“They were big. It wasn’t Will’s stature. It was someone else.”
I didn’t know who this person was, but I was going to find them, and they weren't going to enjoy it.
Freya sighed, her tongue darting out to lick along her bottom lip, and I inhaled deeply, remembering how my own tongue had been doing just that a couple of days ago.
Her eyes. Her body. Her voice. Her
I hadn’t thought of anything else.
My mind had been torturing me with her moans and gasps, replaying them over and over again while I lay in the same sheets she'd dripped all over. I craved her. I'd had my taste and was addicted. She was my personal Class A drug, and I had no interest in getting sober.
“Have you got anything else on Will?” she suddenly asked hopefully, looking like she wanted a distraction. I frowned, disliking that I would have to deliver news she didn’t want to hear.
“No. Will wasn’t there when we last went to visit. We think he’s out of town for business.”
Freya exhaled, her fingers ripping at the skin around her nails, and I placed my hand on hers, stopping the action.
“You’re not staying here alone while Brent and I leave town. Not if someone is following you.”
Freya appeared worried, and she took a deep breath. “You’re leaving?”
“Only to go to a party.” I had to force down my smile at her reaction.
“Oh.” She tilted her head at me. “You’re going to a party? You hate parties.”
“It’s for work, but I’m not leaving you here without protection. You’ll have to come with us for the night. We’ll be put up in the hotel.”
I watched in anticipation as Freya bit down on her bottom lip before slowly nodding in agreement. My heart rate picked up, and she smiled at me, the action creating a tiny dimple at the corner of her mouth.
My worries and concerns always seemed to melt away when she looked at me like that, but I couldn’t help but allow my thoughts of what would happen once I finished my case with Will to invade my mind and ruin the moment.
I was so close.
So close to putting Will behind bars, but also so close to losing her.
The day of the bodyguard party came around quickly, and to say I wasn’t looking forward to it was an understatement. I’d rather gouge my own eyes out with blunt forks than attend. However, knowing that Freya was joining me caused my stomach to tumble. I didn’t get nervous often. Fuck, anxiety and I were residing on two separate planets, but the foreign feeling of an elevated level of cortisol soaring through my veins made me more than uncomfortable.I wasn’t used to feeling so out of control—as if my body didn’t belong to me.
I was cautious every second we were on the road, observing every car for suspicious activity and monitoring anyone I believed to have been tailing us too long. Nobody matched Freya’s vague description, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t scrutinising anything and everything.
“So they have these every year?” Freya questioned me, gazing over at the GPS. A look of relief flooded her face when she came to the realisation that we were supposedly only four minutes away from our destination.
“Not that I go every year, but I didn’t have a choice this time.”
My chief filled my consciousness, his familiar unimpressed scowl at the forefront of my mind. Sometimes, I really hated his face, but I knew deep down we were more alike than I cared to admit. Stern. Short-tempered. Withdrawn. He hated these functions just the same as I did.
I gazed at my phone as it lit up, a text from Brent coming through, letting me know that he and Kaylee were due to arrive in approximately forty minutes. We'd driven separately—much to the girls’ objections—because I knew I wouldn’t have been able to handle listening to his excited yipping for hours on end. He emitted golden retriever energy. I loved the guy, but he was a pain in my ass.
“You don’t think our moms suspected anything, do you?” Freya worried, twiddling her thumbs, the nervous action gaining my attention before I shook my head. She’d told her mom she was staying at Hannah’s. We'd left at separate times, and I'd picked Freya up from her friend’s house an hour after she had initially left mine.
“We aren’t the likeliest of pairs.” I chuckled. Freya was an artist. She was creative and had a wild imagination. She liked to see the good in people. Warm and gracious—whereas I was dark. Moody. Saw things in black and white. Good and bad. Yes and no.
We were opposites, and yet, it felt as if we fit perfectly together—like a jigsaw created where the picture was up to interpretation, but was beautiful when you took the time to really look at it.
“That’s true.” Freya grinned wickedly. “You’re rude and obnoxious.”
I arched an eyebrow at her teasingly, cocking my head, releasing a throaty laugh. “Oh, you’re going to regret saying that, sweetheart.”
We pulled into the hotel parking lot. Valet was an option, but I purposely avoided it. I didn’t want someone else’s grubby hands on my car.