Watching Ty make his way to his car, I pulled out my phone, having felt it vibrate in my pocket throughout our conversation.
Kaylee: Hey, Freya. It's Kaylee. Brent gave me your number. Kaleb booked a table at the Dirty Parrot for seven tonight. I just wanted to check what you were wearing. I've never been there before and don't want to overdress.
I’d thought that with Kaleb believing I was going on a date with Ty, he'd be too pissed off to go out tonight, but it seemed that wasn't the case.
Kaleb needs to believe you have other options. He needs to know that you have the attention of other guys. Then he'll drop this cocky act and stop bullshitting about not wanting you.
Hannah's words echoed loudly inside my head.
I hadn’t been out in a hell of a long time, and I was actually looking forward to it. However, I couldn’t help but feel like the volcano was due to erupt tonight, and I didn’t know who was going to end up burned.
Twenty-two: Kaleb
Ty had a punchable face.
The idea of Freya going on a date made my blood boil, and I cursed at whoever was up above looking down on me and giving me the worst luck known to man. Perhaps I had been even more of an asshole in my past life.
The bar was bustling, and I scowled as we stepped into the Dirty Parrot, the lights blinding me and the sound of people laughing and nattering reaching my ears. Fuck this. Brent had assured me this wasn’t a place that blasted shitty, overplayed pop music or that was filled with drunken, horny partygoers. He’d lied on both accounts.
I snuck another glance at Freya, my throat tightening at just the sight of her. She was dressed in a brown halter neck top and jeans, her breasts pushed up and the denim of her pants hugging her hips. Even when I was pissed off, I couldn’t cease my desire for her.
I yanked out my phone, pretending to message someone in an attempt to distract myself. It was times like these that I wished I had social media. In my opinion, the sites were a waste of megapixels, but aimlessly scrolling on one of them sounded like a saviour from my current situation.
“Do you guys want to tell me how you two entered the bar with guns strapped to your belts?” Kaylee questioned as she gazed over the top of her daiquiri, beaming.
Brent shrugged. “The bouncer is a buddy of mine.”
“Of course. So, Freya, what have you been up to? Do anything fun today?”
“Oh, I went to see my friend Ty.” Freya’s eyes flickered to me for a split second, and I stiffened, dropping my phone down on the table and turning my attention to the girls. I wanted to hear this.
Kaylee wiggled her brows at her words as Brent looked at me awkwardly, and I tapped my fingers impatiently against the table.
“What's he like?” Kaylee gushed. “Is he really just a friend? Or something more? Is he hot?”
“Kaylee,” warned Brent under his breath, but she only furrowed her eyebrows at him with confusion before waving his concern away. Freya tentatively sipped her strawberry mojito, her naturally long lashes fluttering as she dragged her glossy bottom lip into her mouth.
God dammit. I was a fucking goner.
“I mean, yeah, he’s good-looking.” Freya shrugged, refusing to look at me. “He’s a hockey player.”
“Oh, he must have fantastic legs.” Kaylee laughed as Brent pulled out his phone, attempting to show me something to do with work to distract me, but I merely held my hand up to my friend to let him know I wasn’t interested. My undivided attention was on Freya.
She met my eyes, looking sheepish, offering Kaylee a small smile.
“Would you fuck him?”
That was enough to make me scrape my chair back with a grunt and head over to the bar, settling down on a stool. I laced my hands together, squeezing tightly, grinding my teeth. The waitress eyed me up, leaning forward and smiling at me. “You look like you could use a drink.” She placed a small glass of whisky in front of me, and I glared at it, not trusting myself to resist throwing it halfway across the room.
“What's your problem?”
I turned my head to see Freya beside me, a scowl plastered on her beautiful face.
“I don't have a problem.” The words came out harshly, and her eyes blazed as she laughed in disbelief, shaking her head.
“Yeah, sure. Until one minute ago, you’d barely looked at me tonight.”
Not true. I’d stolen many glances when she hadn’t been paying attention.