Page 46 of Law Of Love

I chewed on my tongue, allowing my gaze to drift over his plump lips and chiselled face, trying to focus on how beautiful he was instead of where we were.

“Kaleb, honestly, I'm okay.” Lie. “I'm just not with it today.” Truth, but sugar-coated by a lie.

Humming, he turned his attention away from me after hearing Will's bellowing laughter behind us. He was dressed smartly today—sporting a grey suit and shiny black shoes. I’d never seen him so gussied up.

“Late for a wedding?” Brent teased him, causing Will to smirk and puff on his cigarette.

“Not quite,” he responded, his gaze settling on Kaylee for a few seconds before he directed his attention back to the boys. “I've been in meetings all day.”

Brent and Kaleb nodded in response. I knew they’d usually try to dig and ask Will what the meetings were about, but today wasn't the day for that. It was all about convincing him they were trustworthy.

“Not going to ask for any more detail?” Will's tone was taunting. “I would have expected you boys to be inclined to ask questions. Like usual.” He had a serious chip on his shoulder.

Kaleb shrugged. “You don't look like you're in the mood to be quizzed.”

Will pointed at him, clicking his fingers. “Correct, Kaleb, well done. I'm getting another drink. Anybody want one? They're on the house.”

I almost shook my head, but Brent spoke up, agreeing eagerly.

Right. We had to look easy-going. Easy-going people accepted drinks from secret drug ring boss murderers.

After Will disappeared to the bar in the room's corner, Kaleb leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Just pretend to sip it,” he told me. “Go to the bathroom with Kaylee and throw it down the drain at some point if you want.”

I nodded. I didn’t fancy being poisoned today.

Will quickly appeared with our drinks, placing them on the small table by our metal wall, flashing his teeth at Kaylee. “You're new,” he said, his tone making me want to gag. He was practically undressing her with his eyes.

“Yep,” Brent said, taking a swig of his drink—or pretending to. I wasn't sure. “She's my girl.”

Kaylee rolled her eyes. “I wouldn't go that far.”

“Tell me,” Will started, tearing his eyes away from the beautiful blonde in front of him. “How does this alcohol compare to what you make at your brewery?”

Ah, there it was.

Kaleb remained casual, and I mentally applauded him for staying so calm and content—as if Will's question was the most ordinary thing in the world. “It's pretty good,” he responded. “Ours is special, though. I'm yet to find a beer that tops it.”

Will chuckled, knocking back the rest of his drink, clattering the glass back onto the table a little too harshly for my liking. He was trying to assert his dominance, and it left a bitter taste on my tongue. “I'll have to come and visit you boys one day and try it for myself.”

Brent agreed, reaching into his pocket, pulling out one of the cards he’d printed, and passing it to Will. He scrutinised it, flipping it over in his dirty hands more than once before humming, pocketing it.

“I'll be sure to get in contact with one of you and organise picking up a barrel in the near future. It would be interesting to see how it sells here.”

“Sounds good to us.” Kaleb took a shot at the target, his eyes darkening once he saw Will turn towards me.

“It's good to see you again, Freya.” He held his hand out for me to shake, and I did so reluctantly. His skin was rough. He had the hands of a killer, and I was surprised they weren’t permanently stained red.

“You too."

Will raised an eyebrow at me, pulling out yet another cigarette from his blazer pocket and lighting it up, the smoke causing me to splutter. “So, do you live around here?”

I stiffened.

“Well, I—”

“Are you trying to make a move, Will?” Kaleb asked casually. However, as calm as he appeared on the outside, I could sense that his teeth were gritted, his jaw muscle flexing.

Will chortled. “Oh, trust me, Kaleb, she's far too young for me.”