“We aren’t getting other people involved in this.”
I watched them argue, raising my eyebrows at Kaylee, who shot me a worried look.
“It's two in the afternoon.” Brent sighed. “The shooting range will be busy. Will isn't going to try anything in front of anyone, especially when he's not one hundred per cent sure we're lying to him. He's just testing the water right now. Plus, I had these made up last night.” He pulled a bunch of business cards from his pocket, and Kaleb snatched one from him, scowling at it.
I joined him, peeking over his shoulder.
B&K Brewery.
Bespoke local beer.
Treat your tastebuds
“B and K brewery?” Kaleb asked with an arched brow. “You couldn't have thought of anything a little more creative?”
Brent snatched the card back. “It's the best I could do at three in the morning. If Will asks, I can give him one of these. I’ve set up a website, too.”
Kaleb nodded towards me. “Freya stays out of this.”
“I sure would like some female company,” Kaylee chimed in, turning to me with a small smile. “I've heard it's gross in there, and since shooting isn't really my thing, I'd really like it if you could come along, Freya.”
Brent had clearly briefed Kaylee on what to say if Kaleb argued against me joining them.
I didn't like the thought of heading back to the shooting range—especially since finding out about the awful things Will had done—but I knew that Kaleb and Brent were desperate to convince him they were just two average guys who enjoyed shooting. If going along with them would help put Will behind bars, then for the greater good, I had to put my worries aside.
A couple of hours. That was all it was.
“I'll go,” I said, causing Kaleb to click his teeth shut. “Like Brent said, Will won't do anything with everyone there. If this will convince him that you aren't anything to worry about, then fine, I'll come. But just this once. This will be the last time I step foot in there.”
“Freya, you're a lifesaver.” Brent beamed a goofy smile, and Kaylee clapped excitedly, snatching Brent's keys from his hands and running out the door, shrieking about how she wanted to drive—something Brent loudly objected to.
Gosh, she was a ball of energy. I kind of loved it.
Kaleb pinched his eyebrows together as he glanced down at me with troubled eyes. “You don't have to do this. This is my problem. Not yours.”
I nodded. “I know, but you've wanted to get this guy for years, and you did fix my car, so I kind of owe you one.”
He laughed, but the humour didn't quite reach his eyes. “I'm serious, Freya. Will can flip at the drop of a hat. We've never seen it personally, but we know what he's involved in. It's not pretty. The responsibility doesn't fall on your shoulders. I want you to be safe.”
I shrugged. “I'm using this to avoid doing my project. Procrastination is a new hobby I’ve taken up.”
I was also using it as a way to avoid thinking about how my dad no longer wanted to be part of my life, but I wasn't about to admit that.
I headed for the door, but Kaleb grabbed my wrist, pulling me back, and electricity pulsated through my blood from his touch. It was as if he was a live wire, shocking me into a trance. “Any sign of trouble, and we're out of there. I mean it. I don't care if Will even looks at you in the wrong way. We're gone.”
I nodded, gulping at our proximity, hearing the jingle of Kaleb's car keys as he pulled them from his pocket, the sound bringing me back to reality.
“Let's go procrastinate.”
Walking back into the shooting range was stressful, but Kaleb comforted me by putting his hand on my back. I appreciated the gesture and could tell he was as apprehensive as I was. Tonight could go one of two ways.
Will could either drop his suspicions of Kaleb and Brent and not say another word about it, or he could laugh in our faces and turn sinister. He'd murdered people before. What was going to stop him from doing it again?
We're okay, Kaleb mouthed to me once he spotted my frown. Brent took his position first and held up his handgun, and Kaylee watched with admiration as he shot three bullets—all but one hitting the target in the centre. I couldn’t bring myself to appreciate his efforts, though. My erratic pulse in my throat was distracting me. I needed to remain calm. Will was like a bloodhound, and he'd be able to sniff out any doubt I emitted, only to spur him on more.
“Want a go?” Brent asked Kaylee, and she beamed, taking the gun from him. He began to show her how to hold it, pressing his chest to her back flirtatiously as he whispered in her ear.
“Freya,” mumbled Kaleb. “Are you sure you're okay?”