“What do you mean?”
Kaleb was so tense he resembled a stone statue rather than a living human being, and I was concerned that all the stress was going to cause him to crumble into a pile of dust on the floor.
“Freya, what we are about to tell you has to remain confidential. It's crucial. The reason I'm telling you this is for your own safety, but this whole thing could be fucked if anyone finds out.” I’d never heard Kaleb so serious.
My stomach lurched. “Okay.”
He clicked his knuckles. “Our organisation has been building a case against Will for years. Since Brent and I were already from the area, we were assigned to the case. We come back throughout our breaks to continue working on it, but evidence has always been scarce. We received some intel that he's ramping up the intensity of his crimes, so we came to watch him.”
So that was why they were always at the shooting range? They were spying on Will.
“He's involved in a big illegal drug ring, and he's the brains behind the operation,” Brent chimed in. “We’re hoping to have him arrested by the end of the year.”
I gulped. I’d been inside the shooting range with a criminal, and anger bubbled up inside me that I'd been put at risk. “You took me there.”
Kaleb glared at Brent. “That was this idiot's fault.”
Brent shrugged. “We have to look like normal guys. Normal guys hang out with hot women. Having you join us was good for us, and we knew you weren't going to be in harm's way. Will does run it as a shooting range with a bar to cover up the money he makes from his crimes, and he wouldn't act out with other people there. He does it all under the radar. Most of the people who shoot there don't know what's really going on.”
“It was still too dangerous for her,” Kaleb complained. “I could call the chief and get you fired for it.”
Brent smirked at his friend. “But you won’t.”
“When you say Will is ramping up the intensity of his crimes, what do you mean?” I was deathly curious.
Brent and Kaleb gazed at each other, and Kaleb sighed. “We really can't go into—“
“We found out he's linked to some murders, but the evidence isn't strong enough yet,” Brent responded casually.
“You’re putting her at risk by telling her every detail Brent.”
“Ignorance is putting her at risk. Will's been questioning her. Besides, look at her—as if she's going to tell anyone. She doesn't have that many friends.” Brent turned to me, shooting me another wink. “No offence, darling.”
I shook my head. “How did you find out he—“
Kaleb’s phone blasted, and he huffed as he glanced down at his screen. “I’m late. Brent, keep your mouth shut until I get back.” His eyes immediately softened as they settled on me, and he swallowed before ducking out of the house.
“Well, now that it's just you and me, baby girl,” teased Brent as he pretended to lean in for a kiss, and I grabbed the cushion from beside me and smacked him in the face with it, causing him to chuckle.
“I won't say anything to anyone about what you guys told me,” I promised him.
Brent hummed, nodding. “Nah, I trust you. Kaleb is paranoid. He wanted to keep you out of it.”
I was desperate to ask more but didn't want to get Brent in trouble with Kaleb, so I opted to change the subject. “So, who's Kaylee?” I wiggled my eyebrows.
“I met her at that party we went to, where you and Kaleb ditched me.” He fake glared at me. “She's really great. I actually like her a lot.”
I nudged him. "You mean you like her?"
“I mean, yeah, she's great, but it doesn't matter much. Nothing will come of it.”
“Why do you say that?”
Brent shrugged at me like it was obvious, his attention on the TV program I had switched on. “My line of work isn't overly compatible with having a relationship. The others who do what Kaleb and I do are pretty much all single. It's the people who are stationed in places permanently that find it easier to settle down. After this case is closed, we’ll be moved to a different base since we’re currently stationed at the nearest one to here. It could be halfway across the country or even abroad.”
My stomach twisted painfully.
Kaleb. In an entirely different country. That was going to be a kick in the teeth.