It had been about forty-five minutes, and my eyes were beginning to droop. I’d shot a few more times—all of them even more terrible than the last—and eventually, I left Kaleb to it while I watched. The young lady working the bar had brought over two shots for us before she left, and after a bit of reluctance, I managed to make Kaleb cheers to having a shitty day before we swallowed the fiery liquid.
The two men on the other side of the room had also called it a night, leaving Kaleb and me alone, the quiet folk music playing in the background suddenly sounding overly loud as it filled the silence. My head was thumping with every guitar string, a headache having set in. However, even with my skull pulsating, there was one thing on my mind that, for some stupid reason, I couldn’t let go.
“What you said at the party…” I began, the words tumbling out of my mouth before I could stop them.
“What?” Kaleb asked, taking another shot at the target. “About you being the most attractive woman at the party?” A low chuckle sounded from his chest. “I'm not blind, Freya.”
I had to refrain from blushing, feeling my face become hotter and hotter, and I could tell that the tip of my ears had tinged pink.
Kaleb Evans said I was attractive. So what? Not a big deal.
“Does that surprise you?”
“What?” I picked at my cuticles—a nervous habit I’d possessed since childhood.
“That I find you attractive? Does that surprise you?”
“I guess I've never thought about it before.”
I was full of fibs today.
This caused Kaleb to nod. “I'm sure you haven't,” he said sarcastically, and I heatedly took a step closer to him, shaking my head.
“Enough with the teasing,” I ordered him. “I don't like it.”
He took notice of our proximity, his eyes darting to my lips briefly before he nodded, smiling. “Noted. Would you prefer it if I were to follow through with my flirting?”
I froze. I was dizzy. So very dizzy. “I… I don't know,” I muttered, unsure how to respond.
“That's not a no,” Kaleb commented, taking a step closer to me, his jaw flexing as he swallowed, his eyes intense.
“No,” I said breathlessly. “It's not.” My mouth suddenly felt as dry as the Sahara desert as I glanced at Kaleb's lips. His eyes followed my own actions.
I hadn’t realised my back had touched the wall behind me until I felt the icy metal sting my skin, and I gasped as Kaleb shuffled closer.
“Just tell me if you want me to stop, Freya.”
There wasn’t a cell in me that wanted him to stop. I was glued to the ground, my heart slamming against my ribcage forcefully, causing them to ache. An ache I adored, though. An ache I never wanted to come to an end.
Hooking his finger under my chin, Kaleb studied me for a few seconds, releasing a pent-up breath. “Fuck it.” Suddenly, he crushed his lips to mine. I immediately responded, wrapping my arms around his neck and digging my nails into his skin. As we kissed, our flaming bodies pressed against one another—Kaleb tasting like mint and sarcasm—my new favourite flavour.
He released a throaty groan, and the sound caused me to tighten my grip on him, sliding my hands from his neck to his chest. I fisted his leather jacket, shrugging it off him and pressing my palms to his toned chest. I’d imagined myself doing this a hundred times, and it was even better than I’d expected.
My peaked nipples grazed against him, and the friction caused me to moan, tilting my head back so Kaleb could press harsh kisses down the column of my throat, ending up at the base. The warmth of his body radiated onto my own, making me sweat, and he greedily brought his lips back to mine, smothering me in one thousand tonnes of bliss and tranquillity.
But the sound of Kaleb’s gun dropping from its holster and clattering to the floor caused me to jump, and he stepped away from me with dark eyes. His nostrils flared, and he breathed heavily, taking in my lust-filled state before he frowned. “Shit,” he muttered, running his hand through his hair.
We'd just made out, and it was the single best feeling I’d ever had the pleasure of experiencing. However, I knew that the bubble of ignorance we were surrounded with was soon to burst.
“Shit,” he repeated, turning away from me. “We shouldn't have done that.”
I furrowed my brows at him, my stomach twisting painfully.
Kaleb sighed, running his hand down his face. “We shouldn't have done that, Freya.”
“Really?” My blood turned hot, and a glower etched itself onto my face as I tilted my head questionably, silently asking Kaleb if he was serious. His face told me all I needed to know, though, and I grabbed my coat and rushed past him toward the exit. Embarrassment coursed through my veins, spilling over and taking hold of my body, sending my brain into a frantic mess.
Kaleb called after me, but I couldn’t hear anything other than my inner monologue cackling at me for giving in to the temptation.