Page 25 of Law Of Love

Freya apologised sheepishly, explaining that she’d fallen asleep, but her friend didn’t seem too concerned and thrust a red cup in her direction. However, Freya shook her head.

“I don’t think I’m going to drink tonight,” she stated, surprising me.

Her friend gazed up at me, her bold eyes widening before she sent Freya a look, smirking.

Brent and I stood in the middle of the crowded room awkwardly—stiff as boards—and I turned my head to see him being approached by a small group of girls. They all gawked at him flirtatiously, causing my eyes to roll.

Freya stiffened beside me, her gaze trailing down Brent’s body, and she looked up at me with perplexed eyes. I couldn’t understand what she was silently trying to tell me, though, and I cocked my head at her as she attempted to gain Brent’s attention.

You’re showing, she mouthed to my friend, and his eyes darkened, his hand immediately flying to his crotch with confusion.

“No,” I mumbled with a chuckle, pushing my leather jacket back the tiniest bit, showing just the tip of my gun, and Brent nodded in realisation, yanking his own jacket down slightly to cover his weapon that had dislodged itself from its holster. He politely smiled at the small group of girls and excused himself so he could subtly adjust the positioning of his gun.

“Let’s dance,” Hannah ordered, clutching onto Freya’s hand.

“Do you want to come?” Freya’s question took me off guard, and I narrowed my eyes at her, continuing to scan the crowd.

“I don’t dance.”

She hummed before they sifted through the mess of people, and I made my way to the corner of the room so I had a view of everyone. There was no way I was going to let Zach slip through my fingertips. If he was here and went anywhere near Freya, I was going to hang him from the wall and use him as my own personal live shooting target.

The corner of my lip flicked upwards at the thought, but I was snapped from my vulgar mind as someone stumbled over my foot, and the short guy wearing glasses turned around to apologise, frowning at the liquid he’d spilt over my shoes.

I huffed.

God, I hated college parties.

Thirteen: Freya

The party was chaotic, and I didn’t feel much better being here. It was a distraction, sure, but after an hour, I was about ready to leave. There was no sign of Zach, but I found myself paranoid. Any tall, brunette man that moved past me caused me to jump, and they looked at me as if I was crazy as I smiled awkwardly and shuffled aside.

I wondered if Kaleb and Brent were about ready to go, too.

Turning around, I caught sight of Kaleb in the far corner of the room. He was leaning against a wall talking to a beautiful blonde, her wavy hair cascading down her back and her slim figure standing closer to him than necessary. He ground his teeth together as she spoke, his arms crossed.

I couldn't help the pang of displeasure that rocketed through me, especially since she was absolutely stunning. It was stupid of me, though. Kaleb and I barely even tolerated each other.

I stood in the middle of the crowd, watching them both, my eyebrows raising when she took a step towards him, reaching out and placing her hand on his arm. He noticeably stiffened, his jaw tense as he looked past the blonde, scanning the crowd again.

I couldn't help myself as my legs moved on their own accord towards the pair, and I cleared my throat awkwardly to catch their attention. Kaleb glanced down at me with questionable brows, and the blonde looked pissed off—rightfully so—but I paid her no mind as I stared into Kaleb's concerned eyes.

“Freya?” he questioned, cocking his head, waiting for me to speak. “You okay?”

“Umm, yeah, I’ve lost Hannah.”

Big. Fat. Lie.

“Right, excuse me.” Kaleb brushed past the beauty, her eyebrows scrunching together in irritation as she watched him and me move away from her. “Freya, she’s right there. At the table. Where you were.” Kaleb pointed over to the drinks table where I’d just come from, gesturing to Hannah, who had her arms wrapped around Josh’s neck.

I nodded, swallowing, and he dipped his chin, flashing his straight teeth as he chuckled to himself.

“If you wanted to get me away from her, all you had to do was say that, Freya.”

My face turned as red as a tomato, and I gazed up at Kaleb with round eyes, my heart feeling as if it was going to fall out of my ass. “I didn’t…” There was no point in me even finishing the sentence. We both knew it.

Kaleb didn't speak. Instead, he allowed me to wallow in my embarrassment, and it was clear he found it entertaining. “If you'd rather I stay and talk to you instead, I'm happy to keep you company.”

“No,” I replied, my voice quiet. “No, I can see Hannah now, so don’t let me cockblock you.” Regret flooded my system.