“Clubs means you have to take a shot,” cheered a red-haired girl from beside Brent, casually pouring me a small cup of vodka and thrusting it in my direction. She wiggled an eyebrow at me as I shot it back, the liquid burning my throat, but I held back my gag.
“Brent, it's your turn,” said the redhead, giggling as he picked up a card and turned it over to reveal nine of hearts. A smile made its way onto his face as he glanced at me.
“What?” I questioned.
“Hearts means I get to choose someone to kiss.” He raised a brow at me questionably.
I looked out at everyone, their eyes boring into my own, causing me to gulp. Kaleb sat with an intrigued expression while Maggie sat next to him, her judgemental gaze piercing through my soul, making me overly frustrated and annoyed.
What the hell was her problem? What was the point of being a bitch just for the sake of being a bitch?
With alcohol flowing through my system, I closed my eyes as Brent leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine and kissing me softly. It was a simple peck—I’d made sure of it—but I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I thought of Zach, but I reminded myself of how he’d expressed himself that getting to know somebody didn't mean that you couldn't get with other people.
Multiple other people had their turns, taking shots and completing dares. However, when it reached Kaleb, I was nervous, worried he would be given a dare involving me. I didn't want to kiss him, even if he was ridiculously attractive. The thought caused my heart to palpitate, and I pushed the image from my brain, scowling at the ground.
I didn’t want that. Definitely not.
“Four of hearts,” said Kaleb with a huff, and Maggie placed her hands on his thighs, pushing herself closer to him. He gazed at her with dark eyes, her own pleading ones widening once he took hold of her hands and pushed them away. “I’m skipping my turn.”
She huffed, opening her mouth to speak, but when she received a blazing glower from Kaleb, she clamped it shut.
Once it was my turn again, I picked a card, and everyone laughed and hissed when I turned it around, revealing a joker.
“Ooh, tough luck, Freya,” mumbled Brent, looking at me apologetically.
“What does a joker mean?” Judging by everyone’s reactions, I didn’t want to know.
“See that?” chirped Maggie, snickering while pointing at the cup full of disgusting liquid. “You have to drink all of it.”
I grimaced, looking over at Kaleb to see his jaw stiffen, his eyes flicking between the cup and me with concern.
“Do you need me to do it for you?” Maggie asked, standing up to lean across the coffee table and grab the drink, raising a brow at me before she did so. Her hands hovered over it before picking it up gently, looking frustrated by my hesitation, toying with it in her palms, causing me to scowl.
A sigh escaped my lips, and I took the cup from her and brought it to my lips, guzzling down as much of the liquid as I could. My eyes watered as I swallowed, and I had to stop to take a breath, wiping at my mouth. Looking down into the cup, I frowned, disappointed that I’d only finished just over half of it.
“You don't have to do the rest,” said Kaleb with furrowed eyebrows, watching my nervous face. However, after seeing Maggie giggle with the other girls, I regretfully allowed my pride to cloud my judgment and tilted the cup towards my mouth again.
"You better pace yourself.” Brent chuckled from beside me, and a small gasp fell from my lips when the cup was taken from my hands.
I gazed up with wide eyes.
Kaleb was shaking his head with the cup in his hands, and he placed it back down on the coffee table, his face glum. “Don’t make a decision you’re going to regret.”
I furrowed my brows, and once Kaleb noticed my heavy limbs and hazy eyes, his mouth downturned into a frown. He ran his tongue along the front of his teeth in angst, taking a seat.
The rest of the game went by quickly, and I was grateful that I picked no more horrendous cards, laughing when Brent was made to do three shots in a row, his face scrunching up after the third one.
However, I felt groggy, my vision was blurry, and my skin was tingling despite feeling completely numb at the same time. I had nothing but alcohol inside of me, though, so I narrowed the nausea down to that.
I stood up along with some of the other players—some grabbing their empty cups to refill them, some heading to the bathroom—but I didn't have any time to even think about making my way to the fridge to grab a snack before Maggie stopped me. She eyed me up, a smile gracing her devilish lips.
“Would now be a bad time to tell you I added my own special ingredient to that drink?” She pulled the small bag from earlier out of her bra. The white powder was fucking gone.
My eyes rounded, and my heart dropped into my stomach, my blood suddenly feeling fiery. Had she seriously just said that? Or was I imagining things?
“What the fuck did you just say?” growled Kaleb in a low voice from the couch. His expression was deadly as he stood to his feet, stalking towards Maggie, whose expression quickly turned from humorous to uneasy.
“Maggie, are you kidding me?” spat Brent, taking my hand and attempting to gain my attention. However, I couldn't focus on him. The world around me was spinning.