Now that Arabella had healed, he’d decided to continue this practice. It seemed to help her to know exactly what to expect and being a part of deciding it seemed to make the lesson stick more.
Arabella shifted nervously for several long moments, not saying anything. When she did finally speak, she shocked Tanner down to his bones.
“It was a pretty big offense, Daddy. I think my punishment should be a spanking.”
Tanner knew his mouth was hanging open and his eyes were probably the size of saucers, but no one would be able to blame him considering.
“Little Hurricane, we’ve talked about this and you told me spanking was a hard limit. I understand that and am more than happy to find other ways to punish you.”
“I know what I said, Daddy, but I’ve changed my mind on it. I trust you. I know you. You’d never hurt me and if it is too much and I say my safeword, I know, without a doubt, you’ll always honor it.”
“I will.”
“I love you, Daddy. More than I’ve ever loved anyone and I know I couldn’t love you this much if I had even an inkling you’d hurt me. So, I think I’m ready, I think I earned it and most importantly, I think I need it.”
Tanner was in awe of his girl. After all she’d been through, after everything she’d told him, that she trusted him for this made him feel twenty feet tall.
“If you’re absolutely sure.” He needed to give her another chance to back out, for his own peace of mind.
“I’m sure.”
“Okay, Little Hurricane. One spank for every year you scared off my life… that’s ten spanks.” He would have done more if it wasn’t her first time being spanked since her asshole ex. He didn’t want to start off too strong; but ten wasn’t enough for the offense, so he added to it, “And fifty lines of I will not get into mischief with Sapphire.”
“Aw, man. I hate lines.” Arabella’s voice more than conveyed her displeasure.
“You feel you haven’t earned it?”
“No, I definitely did. I don’t have to like it, though.” That made him chuckle.
“Okay, Little Hurricane. Over my knee.” Arabella draped herself perfectly, hands on the floor, behind in the air, legs dangling. Tanner drew up her shirt and lowered her shorts and panties to her knees. “I’m not going to make you count right now; but the count is ten. If at any time you become unsure, scared, or it just becomes too much, you safeword and it stops immediately. I won’t be upset, understand?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“What’s your safeword?” He needed it fresh in her mind as well as his.
“Good girl.”
Tanner rubbed and massaged her butt cheeks before beginning. He slapped his hand down on one cheek then almost immediately on the other. He started off lighter but still with enough force to be felt. He smacked a little harder with the next two. Then he got down to serious business.
Smack, smack, smack!
“Ouch, ow, owie!” Arabella’s legs kicked as she began to sniffle. Tanner didn’t hear a safeword and he trusted she’d use it if she needed to, so he continued.
Smack, smack!
By now Arabella was sobbing and Tanner didn’t think it was from the spanking, so he laid down the last smack to her bottom, righted her clothing and gathered her into his arms. He cradled her as she cried out years of pain, suffering, guilt, and anguish. It took quite a while, but Tanner was in no hurry.
Arabella had been right. She’d needed this, but so had he. All this time, he’d wanted to help her, to take away her suffering, to heal her wounds. This was her finally letting him. This was her trusting him completely. This was her healing. Hell, this was both of them healing. Neither one might ever be who they used to be again, but who they were together was pretty damn amazing and he didn’t think he’d want it any other way.
She was still going to write lines, though.
Six Months Later
Arabella lay with Daddy on a blanket in the middle of the field they’d claimed as their own. Watching the clouds, trying to find shapes, Arabella’s mind wandered to all that had happened in the last six months. It had been a wild ride.