Page 51 of His Sassy Little

Arabella was considering asking him to see a professional about it. Meanwhile, she understood his concern and decided to pick her battles. If Tanner needed to follow her while she took the test for his peace of mind, well, she’d let him.

“I told you nothing was going to happen. This is a small town. The chances of a carjacking are extremely slim.” Arabella was feeling a bit smug, she had a driver’s license in her chosen name and she got to say I told you so to her Daddy.

“Better safe than sorry, Little Hurricane.” Well, shoot. She couldn’t argue with that. “How about a celebratory dinner?” Taking her waist in his hands, Daddy graced her lips with a chaste kiss.

“That sounds amazing, Daddy.” Arabella didn’t even think for a moment that she should be embarrassed to call him that in public. She had come to the conclusion that if anyone had a problem with it, that was their problem, not hers.

“Daddy.” Arabella said softly. She had decided it was time.

“What do you need, Little Hurricane?” Arabella wondered how Daddy always knew that she needed something when all she said was his name. It was amazing how well he knew her already.

“I need a sit-down.” She was ready to broach the subject of him seeing a counselor. She had a suspicion that he had a version of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that was stemming from his misplaced guilt. Arabella had vast experience with PTSD herself. She’d visited a therapist before James had located her. It wasn’t gone–she was pretty sure it would never completely go away–but therapy had helped her greatly and she thought it would help Daddy too.

Tanner took her hand and led her to the couch where he set her in his lap.

“What’s bothering you, Little Hurricane?” Daddy brushed a few strands of hair from her face and tucked them behind her ear.

“I don’t exactly know how to say it besides starting with I love you and I’m worried about you.” Her nerves were evident in the quiver in her voice.

“What has you worried about me?” Daddy’s voice was calm, warm, and soothing.

“I think you should see a professional. A therapist. I think you have PTSD. Talking to someone might help.” Arabella said it in a rush, trying to get the words out before she lost her nerve.

“I had actually been considering it myself. I didn’t realize you were so worried, Little Hurricane.” Tanner ran the back of his hand softly down the side of her face. “I never want to worry you. All I want is for you to be happy, healthy, safe, and carefree. I want to take your worries and put them on me. I’ll solve all your problems and ensure you never have to make the hard decisions.”

Arabella’s heart melted at his words. That sounded amazing. A life where she didn’t have to think about the difficult things was her dream, but first they needed to address her current worry.

“So you’ll consider going?” She couldn’t help the fact that she sounded a bit unsure.

“Little Hurricane, haven’t you gotten it yet? I’d do anything for you. I’ll more than consider it. I’ll look into therapists today.”

Arabella’s relief was more than evident when she let out the breath she’d been holding. She hugged her Daddy and thanked God that hugs weren’t as painful anymore. She loved hugs.

“Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“Baby, you never have to thank me for doing what’s best for you and what gives you peace.” Daddy tenderly hugged her back and placed a kiss on the side of her forehead. Arabella realized she was finally a priority, that she was loved, wanted, and free to be herself. It was the greatest feeling she’d ever felt.

“No way. Are you serious?” Arabella wished she could jump up and down. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quite at that stage in her recovery, but if she could, she would certainly be doing so right now.

“Yes, Little Hurricane. I’m serious.” Amusement colored Daddy’s face and voice as she wiggled and did her best not to bounce.

“That would be so completely awesome! My very own tree house! I could make it a club house!” Arabella continued to squirm in excitement. She just couldn’t help it. “How long would it take?”

“If the guys help, we should be able to do it in a day or two.”

“This is so cool!”

“We’re waiting until you’re fully healed first. I don’t want you climbing that tree until the doctor clears you.”

“But, Daddy, that's two weeks away!” Arabella stuck her bottom lip out and employed her puppy dog eyes. She knew her Daddy was a sucker for the puppy pout.

“I’m serious. I know you’re a great climber, but I won’t take the chance when you aren’t fully healed. We’ll wait.” Well, shoot. Why’d he tell her if she would have to wait? She wanted her treehouse now. Daddy was a sadist. Waiting was going to be torture.

Chapter Forty-Three

Tanner was relieved to leave Arabella’s surgeon’s office for the last time. She had a complete bill of health. She was finally fully recovered. He’d hoped for this outcome but had worried it might not happen. It wasn’t that she had shown any signs of not being recovered, he just seemed to worry about her constantly since she was injured. He hadn’t been willing to accept she was completely healed until he heard it from the doctor. Now that he had, all he wanted was to get her home and make love to her the way he’d dreamed of for the last six weeks.

“Can we go to Ralf’s and celebrate with some cherry pie, Daddy?” Arabella looked so hopeful that Tanner couldn’t find it in him to deny her request.