“I noticed you like Hello Kitty. I have some great coloring books. Want to color?”
Arabella looked down at the little cats hanging from her belt loop and shoelaces. Maybe she’d been a tad obvious, but with her wearing mostly black, it seemed like the best time for the little kitty to shine, and she was so stinking cute. Mermaids and Hello Kitty were about the only “girly” things Arabella liked–well, maybe she should add unicorns to that list.
“I’d love to. But I’d really love to know how you guys got locked out of your house even more.” Arabella giggled again at the chaos she and Tanner had walked into.
“Oh, that was just a trip to take the trash out and a toddler who just learned to turn locks. Thank goodness y’all got here when you did!” Sapphire was also laughing, so Arabella felt free to continue.
“And the underwear?”
“Laundry day.” Sapphire waved it away as if that explained everything. “What I want to know is if you’ve asked Spike about his name yet.”
“Not yet, I got distracted. Be honest, you don’t really want me to. You like guessing.”
“Yeah, but how will I know when I am finally right if you don’t get the dirt?”
“Okay, okay, I’ll ask him tonight, maybe.” Sapphire led Arabella into one of the most amazing sights Arabella had ever seen. A nursery, complete with oversized crib, and overflowing with panda bears –they were even on the walls. There was a play area with a ton of toys, a crafting area where glitter glue, construction paper, buttons, beads, and fabric covered deep shelves attached to the wall, and a coloring area overflowing with coloring books of all kinds, colored pencils, crayons, and markers. A table was set up between the craft area and the coloring area. “Wow, it’s beautiful.”
“Warren started this room long before we ever got together. He’s pretty amazing.”
“That’s a story I need to hear, I think.”
Sapphire pointed to a table set up in a corner by a bunch of art and craft supplies. “Have a seat and I’ll tell you while we color.”
“Wow! That’s amazing! He really waited two years for you?” Arabella carefully colored her Hello Kitty picture with colored pencils, being sure to stay in the lines, while Sapphire went wild with her crayons, colors spreading across the page like a crazy kaleidoscope.
“Yep. It all worked out well in the end. Now we’re getting married, and he has been talking to the boys about adopting them. Stanley is a bit too young to really understand and doesn’t remember his father, but Lee seems to like the idea. Both of them adore Warren.” Sapphire set aside her fourth picture since they’d started coloring. Arabella was still painstakingly perfecting her picture. It was almost done but she had a feeling Sapphire was going to be ready to move on soon.
“You can tell he loves them, just like he loves you.” Arabella wondered if Tanner looked at her with as much pure emotion as Warren did Sapphire. A part of her really hoped he did, and part of her was scared of the consequences.
“Yeah,” Sapphire already had a distracted air to her. “Hey, wanna play Barbies?”
The women were playing a rousing game of war with little toy soldiers. Sapphire was laughing at Arabella’s antics, but she didn’t mind. This was the best game they’d played all day and her competitive spirit came alive again. She was having a blast.
“Surrender now and you might see the sunrise!” She shouted for her general. “You have one hour to wave the white flag, or we take you all out.”
“We’ll see about that!” Arabella moved her soldiers into formation and began advancing them toward the enemy line. “Ready the cannons!”
“Wait, we don’t have cannons.” Sapphire pointed out.
“Oh right…. Shit.” Arabella gasped when the word slipped through her mouth and an all-too-familiar masculine voice called her out on it.
“That was not an appropriate word choice, Little Hurricane. Want to try again?” Arabella turned to see Tanner in the doorway, arms crossed and a familiar stern look on his face.
“Ummm… sorry, Daddy. I meant to say ‘shoot’, it just… came out wrong?” It sounded more like a question than a statement, even to her own ears. She just hoped it would be enough to keep her from getting into trouble.
“Mmmmhmmm. I’m sure.” He didn’t sound at all convinced and Arabella wiggled nervously. “We’ll talk about that a bit later, Little Girl. Right now it’s time to help Sapphire get this mess cleaned up so we can head home for dinner.”
“Awww,” Arabella stuck out her bottom lip and pleaded with her eyes. “Just a little longer, Daddy? I haven’t captured the enemy army yet.” She clasped her hands in front of her, stuck her lip out further and begged, “Please?”
“Ok, Little Hurricane. You have fifteen minutes to win the war. Then we really have to get going. It’ll be dark soon and I need to get you fed.”
“Ok, Daddy. I’ll demolish the enemy in a flash!”
Spending time with Sapphire had seemed to increase Arabella’s energy. She couldn’t sit still. She squirmed in the car, wiggled in her booster seat at dinner, and pranced around the room she and Daddy were setting up in his house. Arranging posters on the walls and trying to set up stations like Sapphire had wasn’t easy with all this energy buzzing around.
Arabella turned to where Daddy was measuring the walls for shelving. The sight of him in that tight tee and jeans had her panties dampening and she suddenly had a fantastic idea of how to release some of this pent up energy. She made her way over to Daddy and without saying a word, cupped his ass cheeks through his jeans.