“For what?” The genuine confusion on his face made her loath to answer that question. If he didn’t know, why should she bring attention to it? So, she redirected.
“Good morning, Daddy.”
“Good morning, Little Hurricane. Did you get enough sleep?”
This question she could answer. “Yes. Daddy. I slept great after our shower.”
“Great! Listen, I have a few appointments today at Remembered Ink, the tattoo shop I told you I work at. I took some time off but these appointments were scheduled before my vacation was planned and I don’t want to disappoint the clients.”
Arabella didn’t want to admit how much she dreaded being alone today, she also couldn’t ask him to just ignore his work either.
“Okay, Daddy. I’ll just stay here and work on some crafts with the supplies you got me. I have a great idea for a scrapbook.”
Tanner reached his hand down, rubbing his thumb across the spot on her cheek she was discovering he was fond of, “About that, I really don’t want you to be alone right now. Not until we’re sure you’re safe. I was hoping you’d come along with me. My boss is currently working with his Little girl on setting up a little room in the back of the shop. A place for her to take breaks while she’s temporarily helping out. It’ll also be a place she can come play in if she just wants to come with him to work when the boys are visiting their grandma. Maybe you could help out, or just visit for a bit while I finish what I need to.”
His boss was a Daddy too? With a Little? She could make a friend that was a little? Arabella’s face lit with excitement at the prospect, and she was suddenly very excited and very nervous. She’d never had a friend who was also a little, the idea of having someone she could talk to about it was beyond thrilling.
Arabella narrowly missed banging her head into Tanner’s chin when she popped up from her sleeping position to scramble from the bed. Tanner’s deep, rumbling laugh filled the room.
“Slow down, Little Hurricane. There’s no rush. The appointments aren’t for a couple of hours but I thought maybe we’d meet Stone and Sapphire at a restaurant so y’all can get more comfortable with each other before I get busy.”
“Then there is a rush, Daddy! I need to get ready!” Arabella rushed out of the room like the hurricane he so often called her, her mind already on what to wear.
It didn’t end up taking Arabella long to get ready. After rushing back in the room to find out if they were taking the bike or the car, she’d run back out and chosen an outfit from her meager wardrobe quickly. Throwing her hair into a ponytail, brushing her teeth, and washing her face had taken even less time than choosing an outfit. So, it was less than 30 minutes before she was rushing back to her Daddy saying she was ready.
Arabella was curious to see where Tanner worked on tattoos, but the mention of meeting another real life little in person had overshadowed her curiosity. When they parked in front of a nice looking diner with Ralf’s on a neon sign above it, Arabella didn’t even bother trying to open her door. Their day of shopping had taught her to wait for Tanner to come around. Secretly, she adored how he made sure to buckle and unbuckle her seatbelt. It made her feel like a precious cargo he wanted to protect, so she really didn’t mind waiting for him to do it.
Just as Tanner placed his hand at the small of her back to lead her into the restaurant, they heard someone shouting, “Spike!” from across the parking lot.
Turning toward the sound, Arabella saw a tall woman with flaming curls, generous curves, and brilliant blue eyes being led similarly by an even taller, sort of dangerous looking man. The two hurried toward her and Tanner. Arabella assumed these were the two people they were here to meet.
When they were close enough, the man looked at the woman and said, “Babygirl, you remember Spike?”
“Yes, I remember.” Arabella concluded they were still pretty new together if he had to reintroduce her to his friend, but then she noticed the ring on the woman’s hand and reevaluated.
Maybe he just doesn’t bring her around often?
That didn’t seem right either if she was helping in the shop that Tanner worked in. Tanner must have noticed Arabella’s confusion since he leaned in and whispered to her, “They were a whirlwind relationship. So I’ve only been around Sapphire a few times.”
Then, he turned and hugged the woman as if he’d always known her. “I’m glad you’ll be helping out while Jane is taking care of things at home.”
“Me too! I honestly needed something to do so I wouldn’t go stir crazy at home. I’m not going back to the restaurant, but the summer semesters at colleges are still a ways away.” With that, she turned toward Arabella and said, “I’m Sapphire and I am so flipping excited to meet you!”
Arabella’s nerves eased instantly under Sapphire’s warm welcome and sunny disposition. “I’m Arabella and same.”
The guys shook hands and did that man half hug thing guys did. Before Tanner could introduce her to the other man, Sapphire was already making introductions. “This is Warren, but everyone calls him Stone.”
Then, she leaned in like she was sharing some big secret and whispered, “His mad face is pretty stony, so I get the name but I still haven’t figured out why Spike. Do you know yet?”
When Arabella laughed and shook her head, Sapphire just said, “Oh, well… you’ll figure it out.”
The guys laughed and Tanner interrupted with, “Could have just asked me and I’d tell you, Little one.”
“But that takes the fun out of guessing!”
The guys led them inside where they were seated pretty quickly in a booth. Arabella discovered, as their meal and conversation went on, that she truly did like Sapphire and Warren. She didn’t figure out where Tanner got his nickname because she didn’t want to spoil Sapphire’s fun. She was totally getting the reason later because, now that Sapphire had mentioned it, she really wanted to know.
Chapter Fifteen