Page 14 of His Sassy Little

“You’ll find out soon enough, Little One.”

When she huffed, his laugh filled the shop.

“Don’t worry, there’s stuff in here for my good girl too.”

His eyes were full of merriment, and when he winked at her, she’d have done almost anything he asked.

Yep, I’m screwed.

“Nope, uh-uh, no way…”

“You’re already using a book. What makes this different?”

Arabella wasn’t sure when he had gotten the monstrosity on her chair, but she was definitely not sitting on it.

“Nope, not happening.”

She crossed her arms and just barely refrained from stomping her foot.

“Let’s make a deal.”

Intrigued, she cocked her head to the side.

“What kind of deal?” Suspicion may have laced her words, but she was a sucker for a deal or a dare.

“Try it once, for me, and if you don’t like it, don’t find it more comfortable than the book, you’ll never have to use it again. Either way, just for trying it once, you’ll get a reward.”

Her eyes narrowed.

“What kind of reward?”

His smirk said he knew he’d won, and she guessed Tanner’s words before he even said them.

“You’ll find out if you try it.”

Then, he turned away, leaving her glaring at the booster seat as he chuckled all the way down the hall.

Once Tanner was out of sight, Arabella made her way cautiously to her seat, moving like she was scared the thing would lunge for her. She climbed in the booster and cursed his name when she realized that she actually did find it comfortable, that it gave her a better level for reaching things than the book had. She also discovered that there was something comforting about the way it hugged around her.

Damnit, I’m going to use it after all.

“ Holy hell…”

Arabella heard both Tanner’s muttered curse and his indrawn breath. It made her feel amazing. She briefly wondered who was getting the better reward here, but quickly decided she didn’t care.

The outfit made her feel sexy and badass at the same time. Like, she could kung-fu somebody and break a dozen hearts while doing it. She loved how the black jeans hugged her like a second skin, the black boots the jeans were tucked into and tank top adding to the effect. The real jewel of her new outfit, though, was the entirely too kickass leather jacket. She was sexy as hell, powerful and more than ready for her ride.

“Pick your jaw up off the floor, Daddy. I was promised a ride so… you know… lead the way, Big Guy.”

Tanner didn’t scold her sass or even give her that look for it. He just turned toward the door and led the way. Arabella wondered if his silence had anything to do with the bulge in his pants, and it gave her some truly naughty ideas.

Arabella climbed on the back of the bike behind Tanner. She scooted in extra close and held on extra tight. She made sure as much of her body as humanly possible was touching him. She had plans to drive the big guy crazy. Hopefully she’d get another hot moment like the one last night.

Wow, had it really been only last night?

It was incredible how close she felt to Tanner in such a short time. If things went to plan, she’d be much closer to him at the end of this ride. Arabella missed sex, almost as much as she’d missed having a Daddy.

It had been three long years since she’d had anything even resembling sex. Even longer since she’d actually enjoyed it. Something told Arabella that with Tanner, it would be more than enjoyable. She was ready to end her dry spell.