“Well, I have a bit of a conundrum.”
“What conundrum?” Daddy had a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Well, it seems Arabella isn’t actually Arabella.”
“No, sir.” Arabella was even more anxious in her tummy but she figured telling the truth was better than lying, and it wasn’t like she didn’t have a good reason for using the false name.
“It was a good fake, Rose.”
“Please don’t call me that. I hate that name and everything to do with it.”
“Well, I can’t let you go around using fake identification anymore. I understand why you did it and I don’t plan to press charges, but I need all the manufactured documentation for the name.” To be fair, the sheriff really did sound genuinely sorry to have to confiscate everything.
“But I don’t want to be Rose O’Conner. I don’t want anything associated with my time with James. He almost killed me.”
"Don’t worry, Little Hurricane. I’ll have my lawyer work on a legal name change for you.” Daddy was doing his best to calm Arabella down. The thought of her having to take that name, even for a short time, was causing her breathing to be difficult. “I’ll get the lawyer on it as soon as we give everything to the sheriff, okay? Ham will get all the documentation for Rose and get it legally changed to Arabella for you.”
It was still a bit difficult for Arabella to breathe as everything was handed over to the sheriff but Daddy’s promise was what kept her from having a full panic attack.
“Thank you. I really am sorry.” Sheriff Blake turned to leave then stopped suddenly and asked, “Have either of you watched the news lately?”
“No, why?” Daddy sounded more irritated than curious but Sheriff Blake didn’t seem to notice.
“Might want to check it out.” He didn’t offer any more explanation, just turned and saw himself out.
“...under investigation after Captain James O’Conner was arrested in Texas last week. O’Conner was charged with attempted murder, kidnapping, assault, Felony Domestic Violence and Criminal Police Misconduct. An anonymous source in Chicago PD’s Internal Affairs Division has confirmed that every officer under Captain O’Conner’s command is currently being investigated.
Investigations are also being conducted in some local hospitals after an anonymous email arrived exposing the medical records of Rose O’Conner, Captain O’Conners wife. The email alleges failure to report suspected abuse and names three local doctors who are alleged to have treated Mrs. O’Conner on multiple occasions.
In other news…”
Arabella didn’t hear any of the rest of the report, her blood was rushing in her ears, her breath catching in her throat and her heart was racing. She did her best to suck in some much needed oxygen but her body wasn’t cooperating.
A soothing touch on her cheek made her more alert and the blackness around her vision lessened slightly. “Slow down your breathing, Baby. Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it. That’s okay, baby, try again. In through your nose, hold it, good girl. Out through your mouth.” Daddy’s soothing voice walked her through her panic attack until finally, she had her heart rate and breathing both under control.
“I don’t know why I never guessed that. It makes sense, since he really is fiercely loyal and protective.” Sapphire’s face was one of pure consternation. She couldn’t fathom how she’d never thought of the true reason for Tanner’s nickname.
It was day six of Arabella’s bed rest sentence and Sapphire had come to keep her company–probably to keep her mind off those news reports–and watch Scooby Doo with her. Tomorrow was Arabella’s doctor appointment and she was nervous. She hated doctors because they generally came with needles and needles were the worst. Sapphire was doing her best to distract Arabella from the appointment.
Just yesterday, Arabella had prayed for it to come faster but now that the appointment was happening the next day, she didn’t want it. She could stay on bed rest longer, there really was no need to involve a doctor. If she was on bed rest, she wouldn’t have to worry about possible reporters, besides Daddy liked carrying her around.
“Oh wow! I never would have guessed they were the monster!” Sapphire exclaimed, bringing Arabella back to the present. “This was a really good one!”
“Yeah, it was. I love all the Scooby Doo episodes, though. I haven’t ever seen one I didn’t love.”
“Lunch time, ladies!” Daddy strode in carrying a tray, “Who wants bagel pizzas?”
Arabella clapped her hands excitedly. Man, she wished she could bounce up and down. “My favorite!”
“I know, Little Hurricane.” He set the tray on the bed between the two women and walked around to Arabella, “How are you feeling, Baby?”
“I’m good, Daddy.”
“Still anxious about tomorrow?”
“A little. I don’t want to get stuck with a needle.”
“I don’t think they’ll be using any needles. Just checking the stitches, and giving you a once over to see how well your recovery is coming.”