Arabella didn’t answer. She simply fixed her clothes, then turned and headed for the door while Tanner found himself, once again, enthralled by the swaying of that gorgeous behind.
“This is where you’ll sleep. I know it’s not much but honestly, I haven’t used this room at all. I don’t have many visitors, I’m not even sure why I have it set up.” Tanner opened the door to the guest room and Arabella took it in. The day bed was simple, but was made and took up most of the space along the left wall. The room was clean but it wasn’t decorated in any way and was sparse on furniture. All Arabella could see was a small dresser to the right and a nightstand by the daybed with a small desk lamp on it. The room didn’t even have curtains, just cheap plastic blinds over the window.
“This is perfect. Thanks.”
“Feel free to make yourself at home. Bathroom is right across the hall and my room is at the end of this hallway on the right. Linen closet is across from my room if you need a towel or new sheets for any reason.” Tanner really wanted nothing more than to drag her to his room and finish what they’d started outside, but he knew it was too soon for both of them. They’d just met. Tanner planned to keep Arabella in his sights for as long as he could manage. He knew he’d promised to help her find a place, but he was thinking he could offer her this room to rent. He had the inexplicable feeling that if she walked away, he would never see her again, and was going to do his damnedest to make sure that didn’t happen.
Tanner was tossing and turning. His thoughts were centered on the woman sleeping down the hall. He wanted to know what had driven her to that bridge. He needed to know her. The most he knew to this point was she was exceptionally good at dodging questions. He hadn’t even noticed, until he’d laid down, that she’d basically volleyed back every question he asked her at the bar. He’d learned nothing of import after talking to her for hours. This made him suspicious and he was now wondering what she was hiding. He needed to get to the bottom of it but he didn’t have a clue how.
Tanner was just fluffing his pillow for the hundredth time that night, when an ear-piercing scream ripped through the house. His old military training took over. He was out of his bed and in Arabella’s room within seconds.
The lights were off, but he could just make out her form thrashing on the bed. She kept whimpering and the moonlight filtering through the blinds glinted off the tear tracks on her cheeks.
As he took in the scene, she curled into a ball trying to make herself as small as possible. Tanner rushed to the bed and touched her shoulder, trying to wake her. Arabella shrank even further at his touch and he wondered what the hell she was dreaming about.
He gently took hold of her shoulder, only tightening his grip slightly when she fought him, and drew her onto his lap. He began rubbing her back and pleading with her.
“Please wake up, Little Hurricane. You’re having a bad dream. You’re with me and safe. Shhh, wake up now.”
He kept his voice gentle, as if he was speaking to a spooked horse. Slowly, Arabella calmed in his arms. He knew she was finally awake when she wrapped her arms around his neck, her sobs filling the air. He continued rubbing his hands on her back and held her as tears soaked into his skin. When her crying slowed, Arabella rocked his entire world with three words.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
He didn’t think she realized what she’d said, but he did and it answered every question he’d had about how she’d fit into his world. At that moment, Tanner knew he’d do anything to make her his.
Chapter Four
Arabella couldn’t believe she’d said that, but his hands soothing her back, his gentle hold, and his calming words had combined to take her straight to Little space. She didn’t know if he was a Daddy Dom but he’d make an excellent one if he wasn’t one already. She hadn’t gone into that place in her mind for more than five years, yet he’d managed to pull her there in less than a day.
Tanner hadn’t said anything about her words. He’d simply held her for a while more, then tucked her in. He’d kissed her forehead before retreating to his room. Now Arabella was alone with her thoughts and her memories. There was no way she’d sleep now.
She didn’t have long to worry before Tanner reappeared, carrying blankets and a pillow.
“I’d like to bunk down on the floor, if you don’t mind. That way I can be close if you have another nightmare.”
Arabella wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. She knew she’d sleep much better with him close by. She didn’t know why that was, but she was grateful for it right now.
No sooner was the word out her mouth, then he’d laid out his blanket, folding it like a sleeping bag right by the bed. He laid down and reached up to hold her hand. Neither said a word. The soothing silence had Arabella drifting off to sleep in no time.
Arabella woke to the smell of bacon and coffee. There was no better way to wake up, in her opinion. She didn’t know if Tanner had stayed all night, but she knew that had been the best night of sleep she’d had in years, though it couldn’t have been comfortable for Tanner, being on the floor all night. Arabella suspected her uninterrupted rest was because Tanner was there, keeping watch. He struck her as a protector, making her feel safer in his company than she had in ages.
She rolled out of bed, discovering his bedding was already gone. Arabella wondered again if he’d stayed the whole night. As she headed across the hall to relieve her bladder, she made out the sound of him humming while he cooked, and smiled. She didn’t know heavy metal songs could be hummed, but she recognized the tune and hummed along.
Morning ablutions done, she made her way to the kitchen. She cleared her throat and hoped she wouldn’t startle him. Tanner was busy flipping a pancake but he pointed to the coffee pot.
“Coffee’s ready if you want a cup. I’d make it for you, but I don’t know how you like it and I figured quicker caffeine was better than teaching me.”
She made her cup without saying a word. Noticing him watching, her cheeks pinkened and she was brought back to the embarrassment of what she’d said last night.
“Thank you.”
She wasn’t just thanking him for coffee or breakfast, she was thanking him for being what she’d needed last night. For not asking questions she couldn’t answer and for coming back and staying with her. She couldn’t convey all that properly so she kept it at that, hoping he’d understand.
“You’re welcome, Little Hurricane. Have a seat, these pancakes are about done and the eggs and bacon are warming.”