His girl didn’t hesitate in stepping into his embrace, and he took comfort in her sweet cherry scent and the lush curves pressed against him. He was going to have to get his shit together soon if this plan was going to work. He needed this to go flawlessly, and his unfocused mind was not the way for that to happen.
“We’ve updated all of Spike’s security, I have a constant monitoring of shithead’s email and I’ve tapped into his phone. Won’t be long before I have full access to his laptop–that takes more time than a phone. Stone sent some of the lower level club members to watch James, and I’ve tapped into the street and security cams out there–not that there are many.” As was usual, Pup didn’t look up and only stopped typing long enough to swipe the hair from his face. “As soon as Spike gets you home, I’ll power up her phone. I’ll wait a while to make a call so it doesn’t seem obvious.” Pup finally looked up from his work and gave Arabella a reassuring smile before turning to Tanner and saying, “Hope you’re ready, it’s about to be game on.”
Tanner savored the feel of Arabella wrapped around him and the wind whipping past. After leaving The Hellhole, he couldn’t bring himself to take her straight back home. He was headed to what he was now considering their spot. An empty field where he’d watched her wonder over something as simple as a night sky.
Tanner was terrified. Not because he didn’t trust his brothers, himself or even her, but there was a feeling in the pit of his stomach. One that reminded him that even the best of plans could go wrong. With every fiber of his being, he prayed this one didn’t.
Tanner parked the bike in the middle of the field and dismounted after Arabella. Without a word, he grabbed a blanket out of the storage bag on his bike and took her hand in his, leading her a few feet away. He released her hand long enough to spread the blanket before helping her down and laying on his back beside her.
Arabella followed his lead, lacing her fingers back with his.
“So, I guess we’re really doing this.” She gave his hand a squeeze.
“Yeah, Little Hurricane, we are.” He mirrored her actions, increasing his hold on her fingers. “But first, we’re going to watch the clouds drift by. Maybe see if we can find some fun shapes in them.” He turned his head to study her, “Mostly, we’re going to take a minute to appreciate the calm before the storm.”
“I like that plan.” Her smile was a balm to his soul, allowing him his first deep breath since she’d started the plan in motion.
“Me too, Baby. Me too.”
“Hey! Is that a dragon?” Arabella exclaimed, pointing up at a blob of cloud that looked nothing like a dragon.
“Is this all really necessary?” Arabella eyed the extra deadbolt on the door and the elaborate new alarm pin pad, making sure Tanner knew she thought he was overreacting.
“If he really is as dangerous as he seems, no safety measure is too much.” Tanner cupped her cheek and ran his thumb over the apple of it. He loved doing that, the skin there was so soft and smooth, and every time he did it, a flush turned her cheeks the most appealing shade of pink.
After setting the upgraded alarm, he led her to the living room and sat on the couch, pulling her into his lap. They sat there for several long moments before he broke the silence.
“I couldn’t handle it if anything happened to you, Little Hurricane. I’ll do everything I can to keep that from happening. Even things that seem over the top.” He pulled her tighter to him and rested his forehead on the top of her head.
“I trust you, Daddy. You won’t let anything happen to me.” As Arabella rubbed his arm and snuggled in his embrace, Tanner hoped her trust in him wasn’t unfounded.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Arabella was going stir crazy. Aiden had set up the trap three days ago and Daddy hadn’t let her out of his sight since. Literally. He’d even stood guard at the restroom and insisted the door be cracked so he could hear. She’d never realized how hard it was to pee when she knew someone was listening.
It was ridiculous and she was over it. They were in the house, the alarms were set, there were extra locks on every freaking door, for fuck’s sake. She was fine. No matter how much she protested, though, Daddy wouldn’t relent.
Sitting at the kitchen island watching Daddy cook, Arabella reflected on everything and visibly pouted. She wanted to go outside but Daddy said it was too dangerous. She wanted to see Sapphire, but Daddy said that was too dangerous too. It didn’t matter that she sort of agreed with that one–she didn’t want to put her new friend in danger, after all–what mattered was that she was bored and cooped up like a prisoner. She was ready to scream.
Watching Daddy cutting up her hotdogs and covering them and the macaroni and cheese with ketchup, just the way she liked it, Arabella decided she’d had enough. She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and waited. Tonight, she was going to get Daddy to listen to her in the only way she could think of.
“Dinner’s ready, Little Hurricane.” Daddy was placing the plates on the table and clearly expecting her to join him. Arabella remained stubbornly on the barstool, arms firmly in place across her chest and a stubborn expression on her face. She said nothing.
“Come eat, Little One.” Daddy tried again as he set her juice cup next to her monster truck plate. Again, Arabella remained silent and exactly where she was. When Daddy looked up at her, he wore a look of confusion for only a moment before his expression turned firm and he said, “Come eat, Arabella.”
Uh, oh. Her actual name. Too bad she wasn’t about to pay attention. Arabella didn’t care how mad Daddy got; she was not coming to eat. She was protesting to get her freedom. She stared straight at her Daddy, not saying a word and not moving to come get her dinner either.
“Little girl, you need to get that sweet ass to this table and eat your dinner.” Still, she remained seated, staring at him defiantly.
Daddy sighed hugely and walked toward her, picking her up in his arms and carrying her to the table. She didn’t uncross her arms, she didn’t speak, and she didn’t redirect her mutinous stare. Daddy placed her in the booster seat, put a napkin in the collar of her shirt, and scooted her chair closer to her plate. Then, he took his seat and looked at her calmly, scooping up a bite of his own dinner.
“Something on your mind, Little Hurricane?” He put the bite in his mouth and chewed as he waited for an answer. Arabella just sat there.
“Okay,” He took her spoon this time and started to scoop up a bite of her ketchup covered macaroni, “You aren’t ready to talk about it? That’s alright, but you need to eat.”
Daddy raised the spoon toward her, and she finally moved, knocking the spoon out of his hand and sending it crashing back onto the plate, causing peas to fly over the raised side and onto the table. Daddy’s eyes narrowed and he took another deep breath as if trying to calm himself.
“Little Hurricane, I am trying to be patient here because I know you’re frustrated, but this is not acceptable behavior.” Daddy went to the kitchen and grabbed some paper towels, “I’ve given you a chance to air your grievances and you’ve remained silent.” He methodically cleaned the mess as he spoke, “I can’t help if you don’t tell me.”