Page 12 of His Sassy Little

That warm feeling flooded her system again and Arabella thought it was almost like the heat after taking a shot of tequila. She decided then that she hoped he’d call her that often. It wasn’t so very likely, however, since her mouth seemed to often run away from her.

She’d promised herself three years ago that she was going to live life on her own terms from now on–never being a doormat, and most importantly of all, never keeping silent. She just hoped she could keep those promises and keep her Daddy, too.

Chapter Nine

Tanner was happier than he probably should’ve been with Arabella’s sass. He might have added to her punishment for it, but that was simply setting his standard. He knew her sass meant she trusted him and he couldn’t be happier. His happiness didn’t mean she wasn’t going to get her comeuppance for it. Besides, he now had the best view ever with her ass on full display for him. The only thing that would have been better would be her standing there completely naked. It wasn’t time for that yet and he knew it, but her sass would give it to him one day. He was certain of it.

“Time’s up, Little Hurricane. You can come over here now.”

“Oh, thank God.” She muttered as her shoulders sagged and her feet flexed.

He’d ended up having to restart the time a few times so he couldn’t really blame her. She made her way to him. When she was within reach, he righted her clothing and pulled her into his lap.

“Will you be putting yourself in danger anytime soon, or have you learned your lesson?”

“Do you want the honest answer, or the one you’re hoping to hear?”

“I always want honesty, Little One. Even if it isn’t what I would rather hear, you should always be truthful.”

He cupped her cheek and had her face him fully, so she could see how serious he was.

“In that case, I’ve learned my lesson for now, but lessons don’t tend to stick with me very well and I usually end up doing it again.” She shrugged her shoulders and gave him a resigned look, “Am I going back in the corner now?”

“No, Baby. I’ll never punish you for being honest. I’ll just have to find more effective and creative punishments for each time you break the same rule.”

“Oh, yay.” She deadpanned and Tanner couldn’t help himself, he laughed out loud and hugged her to him.

Tanner and Arabella had just sat down for lunch and Arabella was once again sitting on a book in order to reach the table. He decided he was going to get her a booster seat, along with several other things for her to try. He didn’t know the age range of her little, but he’d find out.

Meanwhile, they needed to get her some essentials, including clothes. Ham was back on that fucktard, Brian Preston, and Tanner was taking Arabella shopping. As sexy as that pencil skirt and those heels were, they weren’t practical and at this point, the whole outfit was the worse for wear.

“We need to get you some clothes and more practical shoes.”

“Gan’, no gas,” thankfully, Arabella swallowed and tried again, “Can’t, I don’t have any cash left. I can’t use my cards. He can track them.”

“That won’t be a problem since I wasn’t planning for you to pay for anything.”

When Tanner noticed her mouth opening, presumably to argue as she loved to do, he gave her something better to argue about.

“We should probably discuss the rules if I’m going to be your Daddy.”


Her face scrunched up and Tanner knew she wasn’t a fan of this topic.

“Without them, what would you have to break, Brat?”

“True.” Arabella took another bite of her chicken nugget, before giving him a sassy smirk and regally declaring, “You may commence.”

“That sass is going to land you in hot water someday, Little Girl.”

“I thought it already had, Daddy.”

Her impish smile made his heart beat faster. This girl was fucking perfect for him. He already knew he wouldn’t be letting her go.

“About those rules…”

“Yes, Daddy.”