I quickly pull back and stare at him. After a pregnant pause, I wheeze, “Like the country?”

“Yes. You know that’s where my family is from.”

“Greece. Paradise. Full of ancient history. Gorgeous crystal-blue waters. Amazing Mediterranean cuisine. That Greece?”


“Why?” I hold the blade up and narrow my eyes. “And you never answered my earlier question as to why you treated me the way you did. I don’t understand you, Jakob.”

He gestures for me to go back to shaving as he speaks. “I had some personal issues, but I’ve worked those out. I shouldn’t have taken any of it out on you. I sincerely apologize. As for Greece…”

He stops speaking as I move around his mouth. I dab some of the shaving cream from his lips with the towel. When I finish, he speaks again.

“Vivian wants to baptize her daughter on the island of Santorini. She has to be baptized there this summer. They want to leave next week.”

“May I ask why?” I adore Vivian. His sister is nothing like him. She’s sweet and extremely friendly.

“Her baby needs to be baptized before she can be named. Vivian struggled with infertility. She prayed and lit several candles in this little church on the island of Santorini last time she was there. When she returned back to America, she learned she’d brought a little souvenir with her. So, the baby has to be baptized in that particular church in Santorini because she believes her prayers were answered there.”

I smile at the sweet story. Jakob must notice, because he asks, “Does that smile mean a yes?”

“The smile was happiness for your sister.”

“All your expenses paid, of course. I’ll pay you double what I am now. I’m nervous about flying so far with Dafni, just the two of us. My parents usually join us, but they’ve already left to assist Vivian and make preparations for the baptism. You’re the perfect person. You know Dafni, you know my family, and it wouldn’t be awkward.”

I have my doubts about that. I’m trying to not focus on how awkward me being in his bathroom is. Surprisingly, I have kind of gotten comfortable while shaving him. Did he ask me to do this to distract me?

“For how long?”

“It can only be for the weekend. I have to get back to my patients. They waited until the last minute to decide on a date, and I already have surgeries scheduled for the following week.”

“How would we get there?”

“Plane. Of course.”

“Well, I didn’t think it was by boat. But are we flying commercial or in one of your fancy jets?”

“Commercial. It’s silly but I want Dafni to experience going to Greece the same way I did. It was fun going through the airport and everyone sitting in a row together. I don’t know. I don’t want her to grow up too far out of reality.”

“That’s nice.” I admire that he tries to give some of his childhood experiences to her. “Are we sitting economy as well?”

“First class.” He gives the tiniest of crooked smiles and says, “Eh, you want to give your kids better. But it’s still commercial.”

“Wow,” I tease. “That’s still a luxury, ya know? Going to Greece on its own is—even if it’s economy.” He shrugs and I say, “Well, my ticket can be economy.”

“So that’s a yes?”

“Yes. I’ll gladly accept you getting my ticket, and I appreciate it more than you know, but you and Dafni can be first class. I’ve never flown before, so I’m already excited.”

“How about we meet in the middle with comfort plus? Not basic economy.”



We stare at each other for a moment. Something passes in his eyes, but I can’t make out the expression. My chest rises and falls with anticipation of what’s to happen next.

Jakob’s voice comes out hoarse. “For the record, I’ve never ignored you, even if it seemed like it. I’ve tried, but it’s always been futile.”