“What’s timeless?”

Before I can answer, we hear a gasp from the doorway. I turn to find her Royal Darkness standing there in horror. I follow her eyes back to Dafni. Okay, she does look like a hot mess, but it’s nothing a little soap and a change of clothes can’t fix.

“What have I told you about glitter, Miss Wilson?”

I can’t resist. I know I should bow my head and apologize, but I can’t. “That it’s fun?”

Dafni giggles and I smile at her.

“Not funny, Miss Petridis.”

I can’t stand it when she doesn’t call her by her name. The hurt look in the child’s eyes has me on my feet. “Listen, Midge, don’t get a tone with her. She didn’t do anything wrong.”

“First of all, Miss Wilson, you’ll address me as Miss Owens. Second, I realize you’re but a child yourself; however, I don’t think you’re as simpleminded as you pretend to be. This little act might fool Mr. Petridis, but it doesn’t work on me. Get this mess cleaned up at once. I won’t have the staff wasting their time on your nonsense.”

Dafni bursts into tears, and it’s at that opportune moment that Jakob decides to make an appearance. His voice booms throughout the room.

“What’s going on? Dafni? Are you hurt?” He crosses the room and scowls at me as he takes Dafni from my arms.

I cringe as glitter covers his designer suit, but he doesn’t seem to notice or care. My heart melts; his only focus is on sweet Dafni.

The moment is ruined when Miss Owens comes to stand between us. “I’ll take her, sir. She’s upset because of the mess Miss Wilson made. Honestly, you should consider someone who isn’t a child herself.”

“I’m twenty-two. Will you stop acting as if I’m twelve?”

She gives Jakob a look as though I just proved her point with my outburst. I release a defeated sigh. Miss Owens calls for one of the other staff members to come and take Dafni for a bath. I’m left standing in front of Jakob and the hateful Miss Midge Owens.

“Mr. Petidris, look at how reckless and careless Miss Wilson is. Dafni could’ve easily swallowed some of the tiny gems.”

I roll my eyes. “She wasn’t going to swallow the gems. I’ve been right here, and she’s not an infant.”

The witch ignores me and continues. “Then eating gummy bears covered in glitter. She could’ve choked or gotten glitter or glue in her eyes. What kind of example is she setting for your daughter with making such a mess? Look at the marble floors.” She makes a tsking noise and sighs. “This isn’t the first incident.”

Jakob makes a noise at the back of his throat before turning his glacial glare on me. “Do you have anything to say?”

“Jakob,” I plead. We’ve known each other all our lives, and he knows I love Dafni. I care more about her than this cold woman, who is only here because she was hired.

Okay, technically, I was hired as well.

Before he can say anything, the she-devil speaks again. “The disrespect. I know she’s your best friend’s kid sister, but that’s part of the issue. She doesn’t take this seriously. It’s a child’s life in the hands of another child.”

My anger is coming to a boiling point. Jakob hired me, but he’s standing by and allowing this woman to treat me as though I’m her employee. Crossing my arms, I open my mouth to make this point but stop short when I notice Jakob’s eyes zero in on my chest. I look down, and to my horror, I see that my top button has come undone and my cleavage is sparkling, with gummy bears sticking between my breasts. His cold stare still manages to send heat up my neck. I’m flustered, stuck between being angry and shamefully aroused. Well, this is quite the predicament.

Jakob’s eyes snap up to mine, and his jaw hardens. “But why was Dafni crying? Nobody has answered my question, Miss Wilson.”

Oh, I’m Miss Wilson now? Okay. “She was fine?—”

“Her cheeks blotchy and covered in tears is not fine, Miss Wilson.”

All arousal has been replaced with annoyance. He’s not even allowing me to fully explain. The audacity he has to interrupt me and speak to me in such a belittling manner, all because Miss Owens is here.

“Well, if you’d let me explain, Mr. Petridis. We were having a nice time using our imagination and creativity making beautiful masterpieces. Then the ever so lovely Miss Owens arrived and rudely interrupted the fun. Her tears might’ve been out of fear.” I give a bitchy smile. “It was rather traumatizing.”

Miss Owens’s eyes become slits. “Cute.”

“You’re excused, Miss Wilson.”

I hate the disappointment in his tone. Not because I want his approval, but because he could think I’d seriously put Dafni’s well-being in jeopardy. Disbelief and hurt is evident in my voice as I whisper his name. “Jakob.”