“Mamá always said, ‘Life’s too hard as it is. You’ve got to laugh some stuff off.’ I try to do that.” If she keeps looking at me with her chest rising and falling like that, I’m going to lose control. I can’t allow that. I’ll have her covered in icing and bent over this island. “I have an itinerary printed out, and I left it on the counter over there. We leave early Friday morning.”

Then I hurry out before I make any impulsive decisions.

I’m having lunch in my office when there’s a knock at my door. “Come in,” I call out.

Noah walks in and looks at me with suspicion. More than likely, Nicole has told her brother about the tension between us, and my less than professional attitude toward her. I’ve behaved inappropriately and that’s unacceptable. There’s no point in being nervous. If he punches me in the jaw now, it’s less than what I deserve.

He greets me with a “Hey, man” and sits in the chair across from my desk.

“Noah.” I place my salad fork down. Calmly, I pick up my napkin and dab my lips before giving him my full attention.

“Nicole is going with you and Dafni to Greece?”

“Yes. It was your idea for her to be Dafni’s nanny.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t tell you to take her out of the country. Shit. She’s never even left the state.”

“What are your concerns, Noah? It’s for one weekend.”

“You’ve been more distant than usual. Nicole hasn’t said much. Now you’re taking her overseas. You’re not being an asshole to my baby sister, are you? I know you can be a cold prick, but this is Nicole. She’s special.”

“Vivian’s daughter’s baptism is this weekend. My parents have already left, and I need help. Dafni adores Nicole. It makes sense. She’s already like family, and this is a family event.”

“Don’t hurt her, Jakob. You’re my best friend, but she’s my sister.”


“You know Vivian is like a sister to me.”

I’m not telling him that Nicole is like a sister to me. There’s nothing sisterly in my mind when I see her. Instead of lying, I say, “I care for Nicole. I won’t hurt her. She’s going to have the time of her life this weekend.”

“Keep me in the loop. I have to get back to work, but let’s plan to catch up when you get back.”

“Of course.”

Guilt slams into me as Noah closes my office door. This is his fault. I did a hell of a job avoiding Nicole. I know my limit, and Nicole Wilson is it. We just have to survive this weekend. After that, she’ll leave, Dafni’s nanny will return, and we’ll go back to only seeing each other when our families get together on the rare occasion. We can survive one more weekend.



One would think after a nine-hour flight I’d be exhausted, but I’m on an adrenaline high. When our plane lands on the island of Santorini, my eyes fill with tears. “It’s so beautiful! I’m ridiculously happy right now!”

Dafni giggles and joins in on my enthusiasm by clapping her little hands together. Jakob claps too and then wraps his arms around her. “Are you glad to be in Greece again? Do you remember being here last year?”

She nods her head and then asks, “Is Yiayia already here? And Thea Vivian?”

“Yup.” Jakob pops the P. “They’re probably already at the airport awaiting your arrival.”

“They’re happy to see you too, Daddy.”

“Not nearly as much as you.”

“That’s true.”

We laugh at her honesty and how nonchalant she is. Jakob was correct. We find his mother bouncing on her feet as we exit baggage claim.

I’m here. I’m really here in Greece.