“Really?” I ask in surprise, considering how he practically dragged me back to his house.
“Now that you’re home. Baby steps.”
I roll onto my back in laughter, unsure what to say or do next. Jakob seems to know exactly what to do next, because he crawls on top of me. His lips follow up the length of my neck, leaving tender kisses.
“You’re in control of when we take the next step.”
Is he telling me that if I want marriage, I’ll be the one to propose? I frown and he pinches my thigh. “Ow. What was that for?”
“I meant you let me know when you’re ready.”
I release a huff. “Like tell you when to propose? That’s not very romantic.”
“I’m trying not to pressure or rush you, but I told you I suck at this.”
“I’m teasing you.”
He falls silent and then frowns. “You love to do that.”
I shrug, and then immediately, my body goes on high alert when the cockiest smirk plays at his lips.
“You know what I love to do…” he says.
Turns out, I love when he does that too.
Iused to think I’d never be able to trust someone new to come into my and Dafni’s life. As usual, I was correct. Because it wasn’t someone new who completed our lives. It wasn’t someone new who brought so much happiness to both our lives. She’d always been there, and I plan for her to be there forever. Even if I don’t deserve her, my daughter does. I love the way those two are together. I love the way the three of us are together.
Nicole has been living here for half a year now, and I have no doubts about where I want our future to go. I told her she has all the control of when we take the next step, but telling her may not be enough. I need to show her. Prove to her that I’m fully committed and she owns me.
My heart is pounding so loudly in my ears that I’m afraid if I don’t calm down, I won’t even be able to hear her answer. It’s fine. I still have a few minutes to get myself under control before she arrives home from work. Miss Owens has agreed to take Dafni out for ice cream so we’ll have the afternoon to ourselves. The only two people who know of my plan are Dafni and Miss Owens. I needed Dafni’s blessing, and I needed Miss Owens to watch Dafni. I couldn’t ask anyone in my family to help babysit for fear they’d tell Nicole before she got here. They mean well, but something would’ve happened. I’m typically not a nervous person. I suspect how tonight will go, and I hope it goes that way, but life is unpredictable. This could be a colossal flop.
Nicole’s voice comes from the doorway. “Jakob? Dafni? Where is everyone?”
“I’m in the bathroom!” I call out and then cringe. “I’m in our room!”
Nicole’s silhouette appears in the doorway a moment later, the light shining from behind her. Our gazes lock. I’m shirtless and wearing only my slacks.
“What’s going on?”
“I thought about having you shave me as a trust exercise. It’s also where we first crossed a few lines.” I inhale deeply. “Every idea I had was either weird or cheesy. Good thing you like both. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be satisfied with any of them.”
Nicole looks concerned but with a hint of excitement. “Why do we need to do a trust exercise?”
She’s so sexy without even realizing it. I want to grab her and kiss her with everything I have, but I won’t act on that urge yet. She’s perfection yet so humble. This woman is loving and loyal. Fun and hilarious. Quirky and awkward. She’s so darn cute and she doesn’t even try.
Fuck it.
I rush over and grab her by the shoulders. “I love you. I’m going to propose to you, even if you say no. This is me showing my full commitment, and this is a proposal that’s open for eternity.”
Her eyebrows leap up. “Eternity?”
“Yes. Because there will never be a time when I don’t want to be with you, even when you’re being a smartass.”
She startles when I drop down to one knee. I hold up two ring boxes, and her head tilts to the side, confusion evident by her pinched brows.