Thank fuck we all trained as hard as we did. This war is the epitome of taking out the trash.
Holding my gun in my hand, once the lock had been blown, I toe open the door, knowing we made too much noise getting in to have any element of surprise now.
Isabella has a knife to Chastity’s throat, and is looking over her shoulder as if that’ll be enough to stop me. I can feel Kian and Levi behind me, ready to provide backup as needed. It’s so nice not to be alone anymore.
Raising my gun, I take my aim and then pull the trigger, making sure it hits Isabella in the leg, and she drops her knife.
Once Isabella has dropped her weapon and the threat level isn’t as high, I quickly take a glance around the room.
Tempest is hanging from chains in the corner of the room, and I don’t miss the black eye she's sporting.
My heart begins to race and my fists clench when I spot Nixen standing beside her. He looks like shit. His hair’s unwashed and it doesn’t seem he cares about shaving anymore.
“So this is the real Nixen behind the suits and money,” I say with a laugh and he groans.
“Fuck they were supposed to keep you away,” he complains.
Before I can give him another smartass remark, he punches Tempest in the stomach with a wicked grin. While Chastity looks exhausted and worried, Tempest looks rough, which isn’t a total surprise given they’ve had her the longest.
“Nixen, I don’t think you realize that your reign of terror is over,” I growl, walking slowly toward him. I can’t wait to serve him the justice he deserves. I wish Cal and Nate were here, but we decided it’s better they are not around when I murder their father.
Kian and Levi help to untie Chastity as I kick away Isabella’s knife. I need Nixen’s blood to flow, the same way Isabella needs to hurt too.
“Little girl, you’re nothing. You’re playing at being Queen, when you’re really just a scared child with nothing to tether you to the present. No family, no real prospects for the future,” Nixen snarls.
“Blah, blah, blah,” I sigh. Without even a moment’s hesitation, I shoot him in the foot.
While I’m distracting Nixen, Rooke has been quietly moving around the room, outside of Nixen’s view. Once he's behind him, he quickly wraps his leather belt around Nixen’s throat, as he yells at the pain from the gunshot wound.
It won’t kill him, but I plan to. Nixen chokes as Rooke tightens the belt, and his noises sound extra sweet as I kick him in the balls.
“I’m tired of your fucking mouth, and the way you think you can move us all like chess pieces,” I snarl.
Isabella is being held by Levi and Kian, though she’s sagging between them, no doubt from the pain and blood loss. Poor Chastity is leaning against the wall now, her eyes wide as she watches us.
Carefully, I figure out the pulley system on the chains, bringing Tempest down so that Rooke can help me catch her. She’s looking really rough, but she sighs as she struggles to stand.
“Thanks for the assist,” she says softly. “Leave Isabella for us. I want to fuck her up for what she’s done. I still can’t believe my mother sold me to her.”
“Parents suck,” I mutter sympathetically.
Chastity runs over to her with shaky legs, hugging her tightly. I leave them to it as Rooke drags Nixen into the middle of the room.
“I’ll watch the hallway,” Levi grunts, as Kian takes over guarding Isabella.
Nodding, I look over the torture tools the stupid bitch was using to scare Chas and Tempest. If she and Nixen want to meet a living nightmare, I’ll give it to them. I’ve changed. I’m no longer just a dominatrix. Now I am their worst nightmare.
“Nixen, Nixen… Are you getting enough oxygen there, buddy?” I ask sarcastically. Rooke holds Nixen against him, the leather of the belt biting into his neck as he struggles. “No? Well, it’s really too bad that I don’t give a shit.”
There’s a spear on the table, making me smile as I pick it up. I need him to bleed. Testing the sharpness of the tip, I hiss as I see the little bead of blood bubble on my finger.
“Hurt him, not yourself, Pay,” Kian teases me as he holds Isabella. Grinning at him, I nod as I drive it into Nixen’s side.
Rooke releases the belt to give Nixen the barest breath as he screams, before tightening it again.
Nixon looks like he’s about to lose consciousness, and we can’t have that can we?
“No, we need you to stay in the present,” I say. “No oxygen and pain can be distracting… I think I know exactly what I need to do to keep you here. There’s no disassociation, no way for you to avoid the agony I’m about to cause. That’s what it was like for me when I was with Isabella. I had no reprieve from Hell. I can’t give you the same experience, but I can damn well try.”