One thing I should have asked Isabella was where her new pet is actually being kept. I have been on a wild goose chase, checking all of the usual places, but I haven't found anyone.
Finally, I decide to check the playroom. I don't expect to find Tempest, battered and chained to the wall like some type of animal.
Some of the children back away, whimpering when I enter the room, and my stomach turns.
Tempest lifts her head and her mouth opens. I reach her just in time before she blows my cover.
“As…” I cover Tempest's mouth and she squeals, her eyes growing larger. Checking the coast is clear, I whisper in her ear.
“Don't say my name. I'm Spider here.”
She blinks, then nods, and I remove my palm.
“What's going on? Where am I?” she mumbles, and by the glazed look in her eyes, I know she's been given a dose of Paradise.
“Only trust the spiders,” she slurs, and I raise an eyebrow, while attempting to remove her chains.
She squirms and tries to pull away from me.
“Stop. It will be okay.”
“No, I'm trapped, and I'll never see the sun again.”
“Please. Not here. Don't fight me and I will help you,” I say quietly as I toss her over my shoulder and exit the room.
I try not to look back at the little faces. Some scared, others hopeful. I take her to Room Four, like I was instructed.
I've already wasted enough time, and I know Isabella will have a punishment waiting for me.
I knock on the door, waiting for Marla to shout for me to enter, like she always does. There’s no answer, and I can’t help but wonder where she is. Opening the door, I look around and find no one inside, so I carry Tempest over to one of the beds.
Checking the corners for cameras, I find it clear of any spyware. Isabella doesn't usually record the wardrobe rooms, but it's best to check. The showers… that's another story.
“Okay. I need you to stay here until I get back. Shower, change, there are some snacks hidden in the closet too.”
Tempest continues to blink at me, but I can't get her out of here without help. I need to find Snake before Isabella orders me back to her room.
I don't have the access codes to leave this place.
“I need you to nod, yes or no,” I bark, and Tempest curls in on herself, but she nods a yes.
“I won't be long, okay? But please, don't leave this room.”
Checking that the hall is clear, I lock the door and begin my search for help.
I leave Ash to find Tempest. He has a better chance at getting her out of here, and I'm on a solo mission at the moment.
Isabella will pay, but first, I need to find out about Angel. I haven't heard her name around the compound, so I don't think she's hidden away here somewhere.
As I reach Isabella's office, I knock and wait. No one calls out from inside, so I take a gamble and guess that she's not there.
Pulling out my keyring, I unlock her door and step inside. Her depravity has no boundaries.
There is an unconscious body chained in the corner, and a dead woman near the desk.
Bending down next to the dead body, I move the hair off her face and sigh. Marla was a nice woman. Subservient. She helped the women with their makeup and wardrobes, but she must have pissed someone off.