Taking a seat, my father turns to face us.
“Charity Andrews was my Eve. She was our Eve, I guess I should say. Mine, Snake, and Maxen’s. We all initiated into The Society together, much like Ash, Bastian, and Jonas.”
“Your Eve?” Jacob stutters, and I notice his face growing white. “My mother was your Eve?”
“So that means that you're Jacob's father, and Snake is Chastity’s? Why did she marry Maxen Andrews?”
“Chastity's grandmother. She forced the marriage when Charity became pregnant. I was away on an assignment, and Maxen took full advantage.”
My father blinks and his green eyes are watery.
“I always suspected Jacob was mine, but it didn't matter. Charity never should have married him. She was ours to share, marry, have children with.”
My mind is spinning. Not too long ago, I was bathing Elijah and planning a night alone with my wife. Now she's missing, and past secrets are being exposed.
Jacob seems speechless, and I don't know how to react to him. He's my boss—The Dragon.
“If Isabella is coming for Chastity, then we should be with her. Not kept apart. She's due to have our little girl in just a few weeks. I don't know who this Snake is.”
“You can trust him. He would never hurt Chastity. He adored her mother, and was destroyed when she left us.”
“Snake has been undercover for fifteen years with Isabella and the trafficking ring,” Jacob mumbles as he tries to stand.
I offer him a hand and he accepts.
“I need to go speak to the other Elders. We need to get things underway for the upcoming war. We have an inside guy in the James family, I'll give him a call too.”
“I'll try and reach Snake. Make sure he has medical on call, in case the baby comes early,” Dad mutters, as he stands and moves for the door.
Wait, what?
“If you think that me and the other guys won't be present for the birth of our child, you have lost your fucking mind,” I growl and Jacob groans.
“It's not safe, Levi. Think about your family. We need to get Elijah, Romeo, and Tempest into a safe house too. We are going to war!”
Whimpering, I turn when I realize that my eyes are closed and I’m laying on a hard surface. A cramp contracts my uterus, making me gasp, bringing tears to my eyes. No, it’s too early.
Remembering that stress brings on Braxton Hicks, I force myself to breathe. The room is freezing cold, and I can see a man’s boots by my face, but I am having a hard time concentrating on anything except breathing through this pain.
“What’s wrong with you, girl? Don't tell me you’re going to have that baby here. I swear I was gonna bring you upstairs, but you’re kind of heavy,” he grunts.
Pushing myself into a sitting position, I glare up at him. I’m tired of being a victim, being pulled into situations that have nothing to do with me.
“Where am I?” I snarl. “Did Isabella put you up to this?”
“Ha, that hag? I may work for her because of The Society, but she’s not calling the shots here. You’re at a safe house because those boys can’t keep you safe anymore. The academy is a hot zone. Now it's your turn to answer my questions, girlie,” he says, smirking.
He’s covered in tattoos, all over his exposed arms and neck, and it doesn’t appear as if he’ll be able to keep anyone safe.
“I’m having fake contractions,” I grunt as I try to stand. Maybe it’ll be better if I get upright. I’m willing to try.
The man reaches out, as if by reflex, grabbing my hand and hauling me up.
“May as well show you to your room,” he grunts. “The furniture is kind of sparse and uncomfortable. Nowhere to lay you down, unless it’s a bedroom.”
“Wait, I’m not going anywhere with you,” I say, but he ignores me and begins to drag me across the room towards the stairs. “Who are you?! You do realize you fucking kidnapped me.”