Page 7 of Locked Souls

Jonas glares at me as he passes and I feel broken.

“I’m so confused,” I mumble, and Otto, Jacob’s lover, sighs.

“Romeo is Tempest’s son. Elijah, the baby in Bastian’s arms, is your son. Chastity found out she was pregnant a few weeks after you disappeared,” Otto says, then glares at Jacob.

He clears his throat, then starts walking over to a hidden door. “Let’s not do this here,” he says, and I follow him with Levi hot on my tail.

I knew coming back was going to be rough, but I never expected this. I have a son, and Chastity is missing. How? Does this have something to do with why Snake woke me up and said we had to leave?

I follow Jacob through the hidden tunnels to his office. Levi is furious, and I don’t blame him.

“Start talking, right the fuck now,” he growls and Jacob groans.

“Ash owed a boon to The Society. He was chosen to go deep undercover. I don’t know all of the details, but the fact that he’s standing here right now is not good, Levi. It means we’re on the brink of war.”

Yeah, he has no idea the shitstorm that's about to rain on us all, but that can wait. Right now, we need to find Chastity.

My phone rings, and I grunt while answering it. “Yeah.”

“Spider, we have a problem. I need to leave for a bit, but you be sure to tell The Dragon all about what’s going on, okay, boy?”

“Who are you? Leave me alone!” Chastity screams in the background, and my heart drops.

“No, what the fuck? You can’t just take her!” I shout, before turning around and running from the room. I need to reach the car before he leaves.

“Why the hell did you kidnap Chastity?” I growl and he just laughs.

“Me and the little hellion have some chatting to do. I’ll be in touch,” he says, then ends the call.

“No! Fuck!” I roar, and I almost crash to my knees when I reach the spot where the car was and all I find is a shoe on the ground. Like some kind of fucked up Cinderella retelling.

This isn’t good.


I’m frozen. My dad is speaking to me, but I can’t move. Everything I ever knew was a lie. My wife is missing, and the man who knows where she is, is my brother… Fuck!

I look up at my dad. “Please, don’t tell me I’m married to my sister,” I croak, and Jacob gags.

“I think I might be sick,” he mumbles, and I wish I had my hands wrapped around his lying throat.

My dad sighs and looks up at the ceiling. “No, Chastity isn’t your sister. I think it’s time we all had a talk. I’m going to have to ask you all to leave,” he says to Jonas and Bast. When did they get here?

“We don’t have time for some family chat! My wife is missing. My pregnant wife!” I shout, and Jacob jumps to his feet, moving around his desk before pulling open a drawer.

He tosses something to Bast. “You know what to do,” he says, then points to the door. Bast grunts, then leaves.

“Where are you going? What did you give him?” I snarl, and Jacob sighs.

“I’ve had a contingency plan in place for when Ash returns. Bast is the next in line to get the Society members to have a meeting. We only have a few hours, so I suggest we listen to what he has to say.” He points to my dad and I grumble.

“No, we need to be looking for Chastity. Have you all lost your fucking minds?”

“Chastity is fine, Levi. She’s with Snake. He’s a psycho, but he won’t hurt her. He’s supposed to collect her and take her to a safe place. If Ash is back, it means that Isabella is coming after Chastity,” Dad says with a groan, and I am so damn confused.

Taking a few breaths, I try to calm down and think. It's hard, but I need to put my emotions aside and be logical.

“Who is Snake? Why do you trust him?”