I have maybe forty-five minutes left to live, and it will take thirty to reach the Academy. I should try to go to a hospital, but who knows if I'd survive the surgery.
Chastity is more important to me. I need to tell her how much I love her, and how I wish things could have been different.
I'm fading. My breaths are slowing, and my eyesight is hazy.
I reach the gates to Holy Cross and smash through them, driving straight up to the front door.
I know I'm dying. This is my end, but I just need to see her one last time. I have to say goodbye to my little girl.
I just hope she forgives me for getting myself killed, especially as it was all for nothing.
Everything that's about to happen to them can't be stopped.
Levi and Bastian come tearing out of the Academy, guns raised. Chastity's grandmother soon follows with a few nuns.
Levi opens my door and helps me out.
“Fuck, Snake, what happened?” he shouts, and someone gasps from inside the open doors.
Chastity runs down the steps as Levi and Bast try to carry me.
“No, don't bother. I'm done for,” I slur. The blood loss and pain is catching up to me now.
“Daddy,” Chastity sobs and I smile. I never thought I'd hear that word from her, and it is the perfect gift to give a dying man.
“I love you. I wish I could have told you that every day,” I grunt, then groan.
“No, no, we need to get you help. You're not leaving me!” Chastity wails, placing my head on her lap after Levi lowers me to the ground.
“Let's at least bring him inside,” Chastity's grandmother says, but I shake my head.
“Don't want to dirty your floors.”
She waves her hand and purses her lips. “Stop it now, Charlie,” she scolds, but I can see her tough exterior cracking.
I try to laugh, but all it does is cause me to cough up more blood.
I haven't heard my God-given name for so long. Charlie seems like a stranger to me. From another life.
“Jacob. Do something!” Chastity screams as the nuns begin to pray, and Levi looks at me with concern.
He knows that I'm a goner, and his wife is going to need him more than ever.
I look up at my baby girl and smile. My lips crack from the blood as tears run down her cheeks, dripping onto mine.
“Remember the bassinet. I'll always be with you.”
Chastity holds me in her arms, rocking me as she begs and pleads for anyone to save me, but they all know it's too late.
Jacob has called for an ambulance, but it won't matter.
My time has come and gone, but I can do one last thing. Maybe it's my redemption arc.
“You must find Hope,” I whisper. Chastity holds me closer as I repeat the words.
“Please, Daddy, don't give up. I need you. I just got you.”
I offer her a weak smile and reach my hand up to touch her cheek.