I hate him for leaving. For breaking apart our family. But fuck, his body—so tight and wet… and that ink. Holy shit.
Chastity laughs, pointedly staring at my hard cock and I shrug. She pats the mattress with the hand not holding the baby and I climb up.
Resting her head on my shoulder, I gaze down at our little girl while she nurses. “She looks just like you and Levi. She's beautiful,” I murmur, then press a kiss onto Chasity's head.
Our woman is a fighter, a warrior, and she blows me away every day with how compassionate and loving she can be, even when she's had demons from Hell try to drag her down.
I guess that's why we work so well. She lightens the darkness that tries to consume me at times.
“I know that what Ash did was wrong, and he should have left us a clue so we didn't worry as much, but he's back now. He's safe, and from what Levi told me after getting shitfaced together the other night, he's never once moved on.”
“Doesn't change the fact he could have.”
Chastity groans and gently smacks me on the arm. “There has been too much evil and heartbreak in our lives, Jonas. We have a huge battle to come. I say we enjoy the little things and let the past go.”
I look into her blue eyes and sigh. “You make it seem so easy.”
Someone knocks on the door, and I know it's him. Looking sheepish, he moves from foot to foot.
His dark hair is still wet, and I avoid looking at his body again.
“Hey, Ash, I'm glad you decided to join us,” Chas says, and my breath halts when Ash gives her a huge smile. His eyes light up and it makes me miss the old days.
“Yeah, um, Jonas mentioned a movie?”
Chastity wiggles, then hands me Charity and a cloth to burp her. I sit up against the mountain of pillows and rub her tiny back.
“I'll sit in the middle. Come on. We don't bite.”
“That's debatable,” I grunt.
Chastity glares at me and I shrug. She may be willing to forgive easily, but I am just not there yet, which is okay. Ash and I had a connection long before we met our Eve.
Ash moves beside Chas, and soon Bast and Levi join us. Levi scoops Chastity up and places her in between his legs, while Bast feeds her some grapes. Ash ends up pressed against me, and if I wasn’t still holding my daughter, I would shove him away.
I don’t know how much time has passed, but I haven’t been paying attention to the movie. Bast reaches for Charity and takes her from me so he can change her. Eli is passed out on my lap, and I don’t miss how Ash is just staring at him.
“You can touch him, ya know. He won’t break,” I whisper, and Ash swallows before hesitantly reaching out his hand and placing it on the back of his son’s head.
“He’s so small and innocent, I don’t want to taint him with my filth.” Removing his hand, he rolls off the edge of the bed and walks out of the room. Chastity gives me a look and takes Eli so I can chase after him.
Fuck, is that really what he thinks?
“Shit, I’ll be back,” I grumble, standing up carefully so I don’t jostle anyone. Stalking out of the room, I search for a whiny little bitch.
I’m really trying, even though I don't understand all of the reasons why he left. I was willing to watch a movie as a family, but he’s too worried about spreading his invisible filth. I don’t buy it.
This shit ends today.
I watch him duck into the garage, as if that’s going to save his ass, or shake me off. I have him locked in my sights, and he’s not getting away. Opening the door, I step into the garage, where he’s dragging his hands through his hair.
It’s still longer than I’ve ever seen it. I know that Snake isn’t done with him yet, but I need to have this out with him.
“You seem to be getting really good at running away,” I say nonchalantly, shutting the door behind me. “Aren’t you tired yet?”
I’m a ticking fucking time bomb, but Ash hasn’t realized this yet. My blood is boiling.
“I didn’t run!” Ash roars. “I was sent away, Jonas. When The Society gives you an order, you obey it. It was supposed to be you, but I refused to let you go through that. I couldn’t contact you, I couldn’t break my cover. I have to protect our family.”