Page 3 of Locked Souls

“Please, Spider, not again,” she whimpers, and I clench my fist. Rooke grumbles from the corner, and I wish I could escape this hell and bring them all with me. Mother Superior could be a righteous old bitch at times, but she would welcome these people in and take care of them. She’s not completely heartless.

Sighing, I lead her to the door where Snake is waiting, then turn and grab Rooke. Ella cries out as we leave, and I whisper softly as we pass her.

“Be good, little one, and I’ll bring you a treat.” She sniffles, but stops making loud noises.

The guards here won’t bat an eye at shutting her up, and she’s too innocent. So young and scared. I know how she feels.

“Spider, you need to get me out of here. I have people who can help. They will bring down this place,” Rooke whispers, pleading with me, but my hands are tied.

“You know I can’t,” I grumble as I walk him towards the rooms he’s scheduled to perform in today. I don’t tighten his chains, as I know he won’t try and fight me. I reach into my pocket and hand him a pill.

“I hate these,” he mumbles, but takes it anyway.

Knocking on the door, I wait until one of the ladies opens it and ushers him inside. I feel for him, but I mean, jacking off on camera isn’t as bad as some of the other shit I’ve had to witness lately.

I still don’t know why the fuck I’m here, or what my assignment from The Society is. Snake only tells me to listen and behave, but I don’t think the Dragon, or Eagle, would approve of human fucking trafficking.

No, I’m here for some other reason, and I pray it’s to bring this whole fucking ring down. To burn it to the ground and save all these innocent people.


I don't think I'm cut out for this. Walking around the building, I feel sick. There are so many men, women, and children trapped here. You’d think after six months, I would start to get used to the constant pleading and crying, but no. If anything, it’s just getting worse.

“Spider, Isabella wants to see you,” one of the men here says and I nod, then move in the direction he indicated.

I haven’t seen that woman since the night I was given my official assignment, and I’m glad. Everytime I see her lying face, all I want to do is choke her until her blue eyes fade. I don’t know why the Dragon decided this was the undercover assignment for me.

Snake is fucking crazy, and I don’t think he’s really undercover. If anything, he’s a double agent, and I don’t trust him.

Walking down the marble-floored hallway, I stop at the large French doors and knock. It doesn’t take long until I am ushered into an office. Isabella sits behind a desk and gives me a fake, red-painted-lips smile.

“Spider, just the man I wanted to see,” she purrs, and I swear, my dick shrivels up inside my body. I have never loathed someone as much as her. “Please, take a seat. I have been meaning to talk with you, but things have been so crazy around here. Would you like a drink or maybe a snack?”

She waves her hand towards a built-in kitchen area that has a personal chef, who is chopping some veggies. I shake my head.

“No, thank you, I ate not that long ago.”

Yeah, like I’d ever touch anything that came from her. I’ve heard about how she likes to drug men and use them for her pleasure. Fucking sick bitch.

“Ah, well, maybe another time then,” she says with a pout.

Not if I can fucking help it, psycho bitch. I make sure my mask is in place and nod, giving her a smirk.

“So, I know things aren’t quite like we discussed, but I couldn’t reveal everything at the club. There are eyes and ears everywhere, you see,” she says, and rolls her eyes.

“Yes, I can see why hiding your underground activities would need to be kept secret,” I mumble, and she slams her hand on the desk with a screech.

“What?! How dare you speak to me like that!”

Her chef in the corner drops something and it crashes onto the floor, causing a loud noise to ring throughout the room.

“Who is your boss? I think it’s time that you start pulling your weight around here. We didn’t bring you here to just take care of the auctions, you were supposed to be performing,” she mutters, pulling out a phone and typing something while mumbling under her breath.

“Perform?” I croak, and she sighs.

“You were chosen for a reason, Spider, and it has nothing to do with you walking around here with a baton and taser.” Licking her lips once more, she orders everyone to leave the room.

Standing, I move towards the door, but she stops me.