“Come on Lily, where else would you find the time to meet new people?” Alissa said, as she scrunched up her face and threw one of my dresses from my wardrobe on the floor.

“I honestly don’t understand why you think throwing a party in my apartment is doing me a favor.” I smiled at my best friend and made my way to the dress on the floor. “And if you don’t like my dresses, you should tell me rather than throw them on the floor.”

“But that’s where trash belongs, Lily.” She answered.

I gasped, my eyes twinkling in feigned hurt. Alissa glanced at me and rolled her eyes. “Oh please, Lily, am I supposed to believe that you’re offended by that?”

“It was a very rude thing to say.”

“Says the girl who made Tim in accounting cry on his very first day,” Alissa scoffed.

“He deserved it,” I retorted. “Walking into our office like he fucking owns the place.”

“Didn’t mean you had to bring his hairline into it.”

The air suddenly became quiet, and we both looked at each other. Suddenly, we both burst into a fit of laughter as I wiped a single tear off my lower eyelid.

“But seriously though, we have to find you something to wear for my party.”

“That’s still happening in my apartment.” I muttered.

“Come on Lilyyyyy,” Alissa dragged. “Your apartment is way nicer than mine, and you know why I’m doing this.”

“Why are you going through all this trouble to throw a party just to impress some guy?” I asked, as I folded my dress neatly.

“Because, Lily,” Alissa began, “Derek is the hottest guy in the office and I’ll be damned if I let Rachael dig her claws into him.”

“He talks to you just the one time and you think you’re destined for each other.” I giggled.

Alissa glares at me, “At least I’m making an effort. You haven’t gone out on a date in three years. Three years Lily!”

“Oh shush,” I said, not wanting to relive my years of failed relationships. “It’s my own personal decision.”

“Sure it is.” Alissa snorts, and I glare back at her.

“Fine. You can have your stupid party, but I’ll stay in the kitchen.”

“As long as you help out with the appetizers?” Alissa grinned as she asked.

I rolled my eyes at her and nodded. “Fine.”

“Oh, thank you Lily!” She squealed, as she pulled me into a tight hug. “I promise you won’t regret this.”

“Then how come I already do,” I sighed, but smiled and hugged her back.

“Now we have to get ready. Soon the guests will start arriving, and we need to be fully prepared for when they get here.”

“Already?” I furrowed my brows, “Don’t you have to inform them of the loca…” I paused in my tracks and tilted my head as I stared at Alissa. “You already gave them my address at work, didn’t you?”

She beamed at me. “What can I say. I knew you’d say yes.”

“You didn’t tell me you were a psychic too,” I teased.

“Call me whatever you want - psychic, party planner - but I would prefer your personal fashion police because this dress is not it either,” she said, throwing yet another of my dresses on the floor.

I chuckled to myself and lay on the bed, waiting for Alissa to finish going through my wardrobe. A few minutes later, her ranting suddenly stopped, and I turned to look at a small pile of my clothes on the floor.