“How long?” I managed to croak out, my throat parched and raw. “How long was I out?”

“Fourteen hours,” came her reply, filled with both exhaustion and relief.

“They were able to remove the bullet from your shoulder, but you wouldn’t stop bleeding and I, I…” She paused, her voice cracking in fear.

“It’s okay Lily. I’m alive, aren’t I?”

“I was so scared Jake, I thought you would fall into a coma, or worse,” she said.

I reached out with my good hand, and she took it in hers. I offered her a weak smile, guilt gnawing at my insides for putting her through such anguish. “I'm sorry for making you scared,” I murmured, my voice barely audible above the hum of the hospital machinery.

She shook her head, her eyes brimming with tears. “Don't apologize, Jake. Just focus on getting better.”

I tried to sit up, but her hand stopped me, her eyes wide with caution, “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I want to sit up?” I said.

“Don't stress yourself. Especially your arm,” she warned.

“I don’t think me sitting up will affect my arm,” I chuckled.

“Just don’t move around. I’ll go find a nurse.”

“Deja vu, huh?” I quipped weakly, attempting to lighten the mood despite the pain coursing through my veins. Reminiscing about the time when she was in the hospital after I saved her from her burning apartment.

Lily giggled with happiness. “Something like that. I’m just happy you’re okay,” she replied, with her radiant smile.

As she left to find a nurse, I leaned back into the bed and let out a sigh. I was grateful to be alive, but my mind kept drifting back to the masked men. Who the fuck were they, and what did they want with us?

Anger boiled inside of me, and I folded my fist, causing the pain to shoot up through my arm again, and I winced. One thing was for sure, though - I would definitely find them and teach them a lesson for putting me in this hospital and endangering Lily.

Soon enough, Lily came back with a nurse, followed closely by a doctor. Their voices blurred together as they gave me a routine checkup.

The doctor's voice was calm yet authoritative as he approached my bedside, his footsteps echoing softly against the sterile floors of the hospital room.

“Mr. West, I'm Dr. Reynolds. How are you feeling?” he inquired, his eyes peering over the rim of his glasses as he introduced himself.

I shifted uncomfortably against the crisp white sheets, the ache in my shoulder still intense. “Could be better,” I admitted with a wince, my voice strained from the effort of speaking.

The doctor nodded in understanding, his expression sympathetic. “You took quite a hit,” he remarked, his fingers deftly probing the bandages encasing my injured shoulder. “But you're lucky. The bullet missed any major arteries and we were finally able to stop the bleeding.”

I let out a sigh of relief, gratitude washing over me like a soothing balm. “Guess I have you to thank for that.”

“Actually, you should thank your girlfriend here. She’s the one who called for an ambulance, and she knew to put pressure on the wound.”

My gaze drifted towards her as she stood by my side, a flicker of pride illuminated Lily's features, her smile tinged with relief.

“I’m just glad you're okay, Jake,” she murmured, her hand finding mine in a gesture of support.

The doctor continued his examination, checking my vital signs again and monitoring my progress, paying attention to detail. “You'll need plenty of rest and rehabilitation,” he advised, his tone firm yet reassuring. “But with time and proper care, you should make a full recovery.”

I nodded, determination burning bright within me. "I'll do whatever it takes," I vowed, my gaze meeting Lily's with unwavering resolve, and then it flicked back to the doctor. “But Doc, how long till I can go back to work?”

“Work?” Lily exclaimed.

“Within a couple of weeks. Give or take by the second week you should be feeling much like yourself,” the doctor said.

I grunted in frustration. Two weeks was a long time, and I wanted to be out and about as soon as possible. I still had a job to do, and there was the issue of finding those masked men.