Fox’s gaze was intent, his eyes dark. “Let’s make this town ours, Molly.”

The first three days weren’t much different from the life Molly was used to living. By unspoken agreement, she and Fox stayed home except for short visits out to get groceries and pick up a couple of things she discovered she needed after she unpacked. By some stroke of luck, the paparazzi didn’t seem to have realized Fox was back in the country, so he was able to show her around without anyone dogging their heels.

The area around Fox’s home was lovely, it and neighboring houses set on large parcels of land that ensured privacy. There was also a park, complete with hiking trails, only a short drive away. Molly loved their walk along a canyon trail early one balmy evening, the two of them laughing as serious hikers passed them by with sniffs of disdain for their strolling pace. But his neighborhood was only a small part of a sprawling city, and Molly quickly realized she’d need a car if she wanted to get anywhere on her own.

“I’ll take a few driving lessons,” she said as Fox showed her the sights in his black SUV in place of the highly recognizable red Lamborghini that was his pride and joy. “Get myself used to staying on the wrong side of the road.” Seeing they were on the highway that ran parallel to the coastline, she rolled down the window to take in the sea air, the view breathtaking along what her research told her was one of the most scenic routes in the country. “Let’s do the entire drive one day.”

“We’ll take the Aventador,” Fox said. “It hugs the road like you do my c**k when I’m inside you.”

“Fox.” She pushed at one muscled arm, to his wicked grin. “I cannot believe you just compared me to a car!”

“No, I compared the car to you,” he pointed out, one hand on the steering wheel, the big SUV moving so smoothly it appeared an extension of his body. “She gives me a sweet ride, but nothing comes close to my Molly.”

Her heart turned to goo.

“As for your driving,” he said, while she fought the urge to crawl over and distract him from the road, “I’ll set you up with a car and a driver until you’re comfortable on your own.” Reaching out, he tapped her cheek. “I don’t want you feeling trapped.”

Molly’s instinct was to say no, but she knew that was pride talking.

“I take care of what’s mine,” Fox said when she didn’t answer, his tone uncompromising as he pulled off the highway and into a parking spot that overlooked the beach. Switching off the engine, he turned to brace his arm along the back of her seat. “Don’t make an issue out of this.”

Molly hadn’t been about to until that last statement. “I’ll make an issue out of anything I please,” she said, the sound of the waves splashing to shore a gentle contrast to the tension in the vehicle. “Giving orders isn’t the way to get me to agree to anything.”

Fox’s scowl didn’t fade. “You know what I’m like. Did you really think I’d leave you to navigate a new city alone? Especially when you’re going to be dealing with all the other crap that comes with being with me?”

She dropped her head back against the seat and into his hand. “No, of course not, but”—turning, she poked her finger into his chest—“you can’t talk to me like that. I won’t take it.”

Fox curled his hand around her nape. “Then you can’t fight me on everything.” It was a snarl. “Jesus, Molly, let me take care of you. It won’t steal anything from you if you let me make life easier for you.”

Her breath caught at the ferocity of his words. “Am I that bad?”

“Yes.” Direct, furious. “I’ve never had to fight so hard to give a woman so little. You even wanted to pay for the goddamn groceries!” Blowing out a breath, he tugged her closer with the grip he had around her nape, his kiss a stamp of possession. “I make millions. I don’t have anyone to spend it on. I will damn well spend it on you.”

Heart thudding, Molly pressed her hand against his chest. “Yes to the car and driver, but—”

“Always a f**king but,” he growled. “No buts. I told you—I take care of what’s mine, and you are mine.”

“I am not a piece of property!”

He squeezed her nape. “And I’m not your f**king lapdog.” Releasing her without warning, he put the car into gear and peeled out of the parking space to head back to the house.

He didn’t say anything else until they were almost home, when he slammed both hands to the steering wheel and shot her a fuming look. “I’m a man. If that’s not what you want—”

“What?” Molly spoke through clenched teeth, the scream built up inside her. “I should go back to my old life? I quit my job, gave up my apartment—”

“You also promised to trust me!” Fox pulled up in front of the gate to the house, pushing the remote attached to the dashboard to open it. “Remember that?” He powered through the barely open gate and up the winding drive bordered by trees. “What do you think I’ll do? Abandon you penniless and broken like your parents did?”

“You bastard!” Molly fisted her hands, eyes stinging at the brutal emotional slap that shoved her right back to the most horrible year of her life. “I did trust you”—with her deepest pain—“and you—” Unable to continue, she unsnapped her seat belt the instant they entered the garage and, shoving open the door, almost ran into the house.