Molly was surprised to find that David could sing, and quite well. All the men could, though none had the ferocious power of Fox’s vocal cords. But no one could pound a beat like David, caress the keys like Abe, or the guitar strings like Noah. Their diverse range of talents was what made the band so incredible as a unit.

“Thank you!” Fox yelled into the mike after what they’d announced as their final song. “You’ve been an amazing audience—and thanks for some other things I’ll get in trouble for if I mention them too specifically!”

The crowd roared.

And the band did one more song, pure unfettered hard rock, before leaving the stage. Fox dragged her into a kiss the instant they were clear. He was sweaty and pumped and gorgeous.

“Fuck, man,” Noah muttered with a scowl. “I really need a girl backstage.”

Fox snorted. “You have about three hundred girls lined up outside your door every night.”

“Yeah, yeah, but it’s not the same as having a Molly.” The guitarist swung his arm around Molly and smacked a kiss on her cheek before heading farther backstage.

“He’s right,” Fox said, dimple on display, “it’s not the same.”

She had to kiss it, to his chuckle. “You must be exhausted,” she said afterward, exhilarated from having witnessed what she knew was a concert that would go down in rock history. “Starving, too.”

“It hasn’t hit yet—I’m riding on adrenaline.” Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, his energy sky-high from the rush of performing, he headed toward his dressing room. The concert attendees who’d won a backstage pass through a radio contest hadn’t yet been escorted up, so it was an easy walk.

David and Abe were standing outside their rooms, swigging on chilled bottles of water. Abe threw a bottle to Fox, who caught it one-handed. Noah appeared in his open doorway the next instant. “That might be the best concert we’ve ever done.”

“I hope the crew got it all on tape.” David glanced at Molly after she returned from Fox’s dressing room with a fresh T-shirt for him, his own thrown out into the crowd as had become tradition. “What did you think, Moll?”

“Incredible, a legend in the making.” The entire crew had stopped and listened as much as they could, not wanting to miss out. “Now what you need to do is get some food into your bodies, followed by a good night’s rest.”

Abe, David, and Noah grinned at her before saying, “Yes, Molly,” in unison.

Well aware she was being teased, she made a face at them.

“Don’t worry, boys.” Fox tucked Molly to his side. “She’ll be far too busy to hassle you tonight or tomorrow morning.”

Molly elbowed him. “You are so not getting lucky tonight.”

Noah hooted just as one of the crew called out a warning that the backstage fans were about to come in. Leaving the band in the corridor, Molly slipped out of sight. She had no problem with being known as Fox’s girl, but she had no desire whatsoever to be a celebrity.

Fox winked at her as she entered the dressing room, and she knew he understood. Just as she understood that he thrived in the spotlight, in the surge of energy that came with performing live, and in interacting with the band’s fans. If he’d needed it all the time, they would’ve never worked, but he was a musician at heart, liked the peace of home to create.

So they fit.

Chapter 39

Her rock star did get lucky that night—as if she had any chance of resisting him. She kissed his throat when he collapsed on top of her, tasting the salt and untamed masculinity of him, her fingers weaving through his hair.

On her wrist sparkled the white fire of a diamond bracelet he’d given her before the concert. Molly was almost afraid to ask what it was worth—she’d probably never wear it, she’d be so worried about losing a stone. “Don’t,” she murmured when he pushed himself up to his elbows. “I like you there.”

A grin, his hand fisting in her hair to hold her in place for his kiss. “I need to get some more fluids into my body. Especially since you’ve just wrung me dry.” Another slow kiss before he left her pleasured and sated body—to her shuddering moan—and walked out of the bedroom area of the coach. “You want a drink, baby?” he called out.

“Yes, please.”

He came back with a sports drink for himself and a bottle of lime-flavored water for her, since she didn’t like the taste of the sports drinks. Sitting up, she drank as he guzzled his standing up. Molly enjoyed the view, a smile on her face. Tattooed and muscled and all man, Fox could walk around na**d as much as he pleased—for her eyes only.

Finishing off his bottle, he put it on the bedside table and opened up the safe built into the bedroom closet. “What’re you looking for?” she asked, her attention on his gorgeous shoulders, and on the puzzle tattoo on his arm that she’d almost totally figured out.

It made her goofy with happiness that she knew him that well.

“This.” Withdrawing the flat blue box, he got back into bed as her mouth dropped open.

“You didn’t get me something else?” She put aside her own bottle.

“The bracelet’s part of a set. I wanted to give you the necklace when you were na**d so I could see it lying between your br**sts.”

Her lips twitched. “You are such a guy.”

Grinning unabashedly, he hooked the necklace around her neck. “Oh yeah, I like this visual.”