Page 51 of Goodbye To Tomorrow

Chapter 15


Falling Hair

I was reading the book about leukemia while he was sleeping. My mind was struggling to remember all the information. After all, I am the one taking care of him. I decided to go and buy healthier food; Jiraiya needs to take greater care of his nutrition.

A smile was on my face because I was trying my best to help him. I put the book aside and decided to take a shower. While disrobing I noticed a lot of hair on my clothing. It was his hair.

"What’s all this?" I asked myself, even though I was alone in the room. “Why haven’t I noticed this before?”

Yes, my hands had been in his hair. Was it possible that I pulled it so hard that this happened? No, it wasn't. I sat on the floor and took time to think about the situation. I loved him.... The tears were rolling down my cheeks; I took a deep sigh and went to Jiraiya's room. Softly, I knocked.

"Yes?" His voice made me smile.

I opened the doors, went in and stood near him.

"I just want a hug." I said opening my arms, ready to hold him.

"You are like a little girl." He said and smiled while his arms were around me, pulling me closer.

I tried touching his hair, but his hands moved mine away.

"Don't..." He said.

I took a deep sigh.

"I know, Jiraiya." I said, while my hands moved to his cheeks, holding him softly.

"How?" He asked, being confused.

"In the fell on my clothes." I replied.

A trail of tears rolled down his cheek.

"I am okay. No pain, nothing I don't understand but this. Why now?" He said.

"It was bound to happen sooner or later." I explained while he was nodding.

"Do you want to?" He asked, not wanting to finish the sentence.

"I do." I said knowing exactly what he wanted from me.

I pulled the scissors from a pocket. He was sitting, and I was cutting his hair.

My lover became bald and bold!

"You are handsome." I said while he was holding a mirror and looking at his reflection.

"You are a terrible liar." He said and started to laugh, even though his eyes were watery.

"I love you." The words escaped from my mouth faster than I was able to stop them.

A soft smile appeared on his lips.

"I love you too, Karine, I really do." He said, and I felt how fast my heart was beating and how the joy came to my heart.

I sat on his lap, hugging him and leaving small kisses all over his neck.