“Michael, this has gone on long enough!”
“No, my bestie, it has not, and it is too late now. You should have thought about it before you tried playing games with my love life.”
“It was a joke,” she growled, trying to remove herself from his arm holding her to his side. But next thing she knew, she was seeing the world upside-down as Michael suddenly stepped in front of her and bent down, pulling her over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” she shrieked and clutched the back of his shirt for purchase.
“You seem to be having trouble walking, so I am here to assist you to the door.” He grunted as he stood up to his full height with her weight on his shoulder. Michael might have been tall with a runner’s build, but he was very strong, and Ambra got distracted when she felt his muscles ripple underneath her hand.
“Michael.” She squirmed on his shoulder, trying to get leverage to straighten up.
“Be quiet, or I will slap that ass. And stop moving, or I will lose my footing and drop you. Annnddd no funny business either; I trained with your father too,” he reminded her and then paused to see what she would do as she continued shifting on his back.
She huffed and then folded her arms, clamping her lips firmly together. She decided to wait until she was safely inside to tear a strip off of him before going to the room she usually stayed in. She would avoid him until she left in the morning or until he saw reason.
“Glad you know who is the boss dear,” he said arrogantly and then chuckled. “Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn’t try that either,” he added when she moved her hand, inching it towards his back to give him a hard pinch, at the same time feeling his hand move up her leg towards her buttocks, giving it a warning pat.
If she wasn’t so angry, she would have found this situation funny, and maybe later, she would. But right now, she just wanted to get off this arrogant ass’s shoulder and give him something he would never forget.
“And no thoughts of bodily harming either; I can feel the heat from your brain churning with retaliation, and that is what got you into this mess in the first place.”
She paused, feeling hurt, and he fell quiet as he moved down the path to the door. He must have felt bad because he started rubbing her ass in a soothing motion, and she now began to feel heated for a different reason. Ambra thought to herself how his touch always affected her, and he didn’t even seem to notice that he was caressing her ass. At least, that was what she thought until he began to squeeze and feel the shape of her buttocks. She was wearing black leggings and her loose long t-shirt, which had moved up to pool around her waist. His fingers crept to the crack in her leggings. Ambra inhaled sharply.
“You have an amazing ass; why haven’t I noticed it before?” he asked himself absently, his voice sounding husky to her ears. Then she almost orgasmed when he continued nonchalantly, “Can’t wait to take the front and the back.”
She’d heard this kind of bedroom talk from a lover before, but hearing Michael say such things turned her on so much that she needed to get to her room and elevate her body, which was going into overdrive.
She was now wet and horny. A feeling of fear swept through her. She had always buried how she felt for him and how he made her feel when he was nearby, and now, she shouldn’t be surprised about how her body was reacting to his attention.
Michael was finally giving her what she had always dreamed about, and she was sinking fast. She knew that if she let them progress past this and he just walked away, she would be devasted. Because when he was done with her and this weekend, he would own her body, mind, and soul, and she would lose their friendship on top of that. She wouldn’t have her best friend to help her through this turmoil, so she was not going to lose that too.
Her thoughts scattered when he reached the door and opened it with her bag in his hand, twisting the doorknob and stepping through the door with her still on his shoulder. The smell of food hit her nostrils before he let her down from his shoulder to stand upright in front of him.
She sniffed again; whatever the chef was cooking smelled delicious, and she forgot her near panic for a minute when her stomach let her know she hadn’t eaten all day—she had been too nervous. Now all she could think about was food. She wondered what the chef was cooking.
As if he could read her mind, Michael grinned as he suddenly spoke. “I had the chef prepare your favorite surf and turf with garlic and herb roasted potatoes and beets.” He shuddered at the mention of beets. He once told her that he thought there was something seriously wrong with her to like eating beets with almost all her main meals. She didn’t know why, but she just loved to eat beets. They had to be boiled or baked, as she didn’t like the ones in a can or pickled.
“It will be ready by the time you’ve had a shower and changed into something comfortable for dinner. I am sure you need a hot shower after your long flight and the drive to the chalet. I just need to speak to the chef, then I’ll bring your bag up to the room.”
She opened her mouth to try and talk some sense into him again when he quickly pulled her tight against him, his lips pressed to her ear.
“Or would you prefer I take you right here and right now?” She gasped when she felt the semi hardness of him pressed in between the V of her legs, and then she moaned when his hands gripped her ass and arched her harder into his cock.
Ambra bit her lips and pulled away from him before she could melt into his body and take what he was offering. What she saw in his eyes had her turning and fleeing up the stairs. She could feel the heat of his gaze on her ass as she made her way up and out of sight, heading to the room she always used when she stayed there.
She closed the door, and her hand went to her chest, where her heart was beating out of control. Things between them just got intense so fast, and he was right. Maybe a shower and changing into her comfortable baggy sweats would cool things down between them in order for them to come to their senses. She had almost thrown everything away to ride the outline of his dick she had felt in his pants.
She squeezed her legs together because her pussy was heavy and wet with need. Tiny flutters began to signal that she needed to come, and she stripped off her clothes as she made her way to the ensuite bathroom. It held a massive shower with different shower heads, and she used the one with the hard jet of water to find her relief. She let out a long, deep, satisfied moans.
She jumped when she suddenly heard Michael’s loud string of curses followed by a door slamming closed. She paused, in shock. Shit! She had forgotten that he was supposed to drop off her bag. Then she began to laugh because when she was about to come, she was a screamer, and her moans came out high and low when her lover knew how to hit her spot just right.
She smirked when thinking Michael must have gotten an earful when he came into her room. Then she groaned when she remembered that she might have just called out his name.
She stepped out of the shower, her dark-brown skin glistening with drops of water. Grabbing a towel from the warming rack, she dried herself off and made her way to the drawer that stored almost every imaginable body lotion a guest could want. The staff that kept the chalet clean and stocked also knew what Ambra’s favorite body lotion was, and she pulled it from the selection, lathering her body in the creamy coco-butter scented lotion, loving how it moisturized her skin. It was named COCO after its maker, who she had met at Carter and Zahara’s wedding. Zahara’s best friend Coco made her own line of face and body creams for POC and was in the process of launching her hair products line.
Ambra sauntered into the bedroom just as her belly made a sound signaling that she hadn’t eaten since stopping for a quick bite before coming to the chalet. She paused, her eyes growing wide with shock. The bed had been stripped clean and the curtains taken down. The shutters were closed for privacy, and the whole room had been stripped of any clothes lying around. She moved to the closet in disbelief, knowing her overnight bag would not be there, but she still had to check.
She stood back, her anger and disbelief growing. Then she went over to the bed, where a red lingerie set was waiting for her. She snatched up the note beside it.