Page 19 of Michael

She signaled for a taxi, and one pulled up almost immediately. Before she could open the door, Michael was there to open it for her, and they both got in. She scooted to the far side of the seat, but he just moved closer to her, and she was trapped between him and the car door.

“You don’t need to sit so close,” she hissed.

He just bared his teeth at her and then laid a heavy hand on her knee, moving it up, his long fingertips resting close to the lips of her pussy, which were now swollen and wet from when they were dancing and she felt the hard press of his cock against her. She knew better than to fight him and didn’t bother to say anything else. They rode the rest of the way in silence, but of course Michael didn’t play fair. He kept moving his hand up and down her leg, getting closer with each pass. Her breathing became shallow, and she couldn’t help but let her legs relax, almost falling open. She wanted his touch, even if briefly. As if he could read her mind, his fingers grazed her sensitive flesh before moving away. The teasing continued until the taxi pulled up in front of Coco’s house.

Coming to her senses at the sight of Coco’s place, reminding her why she was here, she hurried out of the taxi and leaned down.

“This is my stop. I’m tired, and we can talk in the morning. Have a good night.” She closed the door and hurried up the driveway to the back gate, opening it and closing it behind her. Not looking back, she hurried with her keys, opening the door to the guest house and locking it once she was inside. She leaned back against it, holding her breath, her eyes closing.

Her eyes popped open when she heard the lock engaging. At the same time, her eyes spied the set of luggage lying on the floor next to hers in the bedroom. The guest house was an open concept, and the only room closed off was the bathroom. She had felt that she was being watched and it had been coming from her own damn house.

She was moved forward when the door opened behind her, turning around in time to see Michael stepping through with a cold smile on his handsome face.

“Hi roomie. Did you miss me? And Gotcha.”

Chapter 9

He would have found the situation funny, especially Ambra’s look of surprised horror, if he wasn’t so pissed that she kept trying to run from him and their situation.

“How?” she asked, her eyes growing big. “What?” she sputtered out.

He shrugged and then moved towards the white couch in the room, sitting down and patting the place next to him.

“Get out of here Michael,” she spat, and then he saw her go still.

“How did you get keys to Coco’s place?”

“I have to give you kudos for this one. I would still be searching for you if Zahara hadn’t let it slip where you were,” he said, ignoring her question.

He admired the merry chase she had sent him on—from booking plane rides from different destinations to keeping her phone off so he couldn’t get Ben to ping her location. He knew her parents were out of town. Diamond didn’t know where she was and wouldn’t crack even if she did. Besides, right now she was busy dealing with another situation that had cropped up while they were in Switzerland, and he was not looking forward to having to tell Ambra about it.

He was just going to keep that to himself for a little while because they still needed a little more time away together, and being here in a tropical paradise was the perfect place to continue where they had left off.

“Shit, Coco must have told Zahara where I was,” she muttered to herself before letting out an exasperated sigh.

He could see the wheels turning in that magnificent brain of hers, and he knew that she was now pondering how he had gotten the keys to this place. Especially since Coco had been helping Ambra stay hidden from him. He hadn’t liked that too much and had done some digging on her before he reached out and was surprised to learn about someone from her past, and now she had a certain matter/person on her hands that would keep her occupied and prevent her from joining Ambra on her vacation.

She strode up to him, looking down at him in like an angry goddess. “What did you do to Coco to get her to give you the keys Michael?”

He shrugged again and then spread his arms on the back of the couch. He wasn’t going to sugarcoat what he had done because he was sure Coco would be calling soon to spill what had happened anyway, especially after what he did.

“Coco took out a loan for her new line of products she wanted to launch, and the bank she took the loan out with does business with us as well. They were all too happy when I paid it off in full, so she now owes me the money. I wanted it all back in less than twenty-four hours, or she would owe me shares in her company in exchange and have to give me the keys to where you were hiding.”

He shrugged. “Well, she could not liquidate enough cash, so she signed over the shares and gave me the keys to her place here in Barbados.”

Ambra stood stock-still, disbelief and horror written all over her face.

He groaned internally because this didn’t exactly make him look good, but he might as well tell her the rest.

“I promised her that she would get the keys back when she came up with the cash upon my return. But she took too long and I decided to sell my the shares to her ex, and now he owns a good portion of her business.” He smiled before Ambra launched herself at him.

“You cold bastard. She didn’t deserve that.” She tried to drop her knee into his crotch, and he maneuvered out of the way while grabbing her and pulling her down on top of him.

“She helped you and kept you from me,” he bit out, containing his emotions. He had been worried and had missed her because he didn’t know where she was. The feelings that he had gone through had also hurt his pride. He had thought he would find her the next day, but it took him almost two weeks. If he hadn’t overhead a conversation between Zahara and his brother Carter, he would still be looking for her, or she eventually would have come out of hiding on her own, putting distance between them.

“She is lucky that is all I did. Besides, just look at this as me also playing cupid,” he groused as they struggled again.

She paused in her grappling and gave him a sour look with a side of disdain.