My heart hammered in my chest like it was trying to escape. The thought crossed my mind that maybe it wanted to get to him.
“I was told by the seer that my mate was dead.”
“I have indeed died. Opinions vary about whether I am dead or undead. Technicalities. I am certainly not alive anymore. But you are bringing parts of me back to life. My feelings. My desires.”
“She said that I could choose to do whatever I wanted with my life.”
“Because your choices would bring us together anyway, I expect.”
I felt like the room was spinning out of control and I was going to fall over.
Why isn’t there enough air in here? I’m suffocating.
Pain shot through my chest.
This is it. I’m dying.
No, you always have chest pain with anxiety attacks. It’s fine.
No, I’m dying this time.
No, no, no.
Vedrac stood and reached out a bony hand.
“Let me help you, love.”
Love. I stood, started to reach towards him, flooded with desperation. Then, without even a conscious thought, I turned and ran straight out the room. I heard the voice of a guard shouting after me, but I kept running. I slammed my pass at the gates to open them and kept going until I reached my quarters. As soon as the door closed behind me, I collapsed to the floor and lay there struggling to breathe.
Oh, gods, please stop. Please just let me breathe.
After a few minutes my door opened and I looked up into the face of Lyla.
“Oh, honey. They said you were upset.”
I burst into tears. Huge sobs racking my body. She lay down on the floor and wrapped her arms around me. Squeezing me tight.
“Breathe with me. In. Out. In. Out.”
I followed her instructions as best as I could. It took what felt like an eternity. But the tightness of her arms and the cool floor began to ground me, and I eventually felt like I could breathe again. The tears dried up and my body loosened.
“Did he hurt you?”
“NO! No, not at all. I just… urgh. I don’t know.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not yet.”
“Do you want me to take him as my client?”
“No. I need to see this through.”
I pulled myself back up to a sitting position.
“I’ll be okay.”
“I know.”