She looked like she was trying to melt back into her seat now. The parasite was growing.
“I have control over it. I don’t have to drain them until they are dead. I can take small amounts. I can choose which energies to take. I can sift through them. So if you wanted, I could drain the anxiety that plagues you. Weaken it.”
Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open slightly. Her storm split into two and began to fight itself. On one side the anxiety and everything it could pull into it. On the other the beautiful pastels that begged to be free. Watching her struggle with this felt like a gut punch. I wanted to free her, but I knew there was no reason for her to trust me.
“But wouldn’t that hurt me in some way? Make me less, somehow?”
It was a bold question that showed her vulnerability. And she hadn’t immediately recoiled.
“No. If anything I think it would make you stronger, not having to fight yourself all the time.”
“But how… how do you….”
“I can see people’s energy. I see the part of yours that wants to consume you.”
She shifted in her seat and pulled her blanket closer around herself, lost in her thoughts for a moment. I knew before she spoke that she was going to refuse me, and it made the heart I’d forgotten I had break a little bit.
Chapter 5
He’s trying to trick you. To drain you until you are dead.
But what if I could be free of this feeling, for even a day?
You’ll die. Haven’t you learned not to trust people by now?
He doesn’t need to trick you, he can just reach out and touch you. He’s so close.
The thoughts warred in my head until I realized I’d been quiet for a long time. He was peering at me. The skeletal face was hard to read, but the blue glowing eyes seemed almost sad. It was ridiculous to let a lich drain your energy. I knew that. But the thought of being free from my anxiety was so tempting. The memory of the dream that I’d had about him flashed into my head. My face flushed hot. Some part of me, no doubt a self sabotaging part, wanted to touch him. Wanted to lose myself to him. I’d never expected to find myself drawn to power and danger, and that unsettled me.
“I’m sorry, but I think that would be unwise. I’m your therapist and you’re my client. We should keep things professional.”
“The offer is always open.”
“That’s… kind. Thank you.”
I sucked in a deep breath of air to calm myself, but I was unnerved. He’d said he could see my energy. Could he read everything in it? That dream pushed its way into my head again. My body reacted and arousal started to creep in. Surely he coudn’t see that? His translucent lips seemed to twitch up in a smirk. I blushed even harder.
“You are embarrassed by your feelings for me?”
He spoke with a slight edge to his voice that sent a shiver up my spine. I didn’t know how to respond.
“If it helps, I’m feeling them too.”
My stomach flipped. I felt like I was suddenly drowning. Overwhelmed by my feelings, and all I wanted to do was reach out to him. To have him hold me and make it better. Realization dawned, and a curse popped out of me before I could stop it.
“Oh fuck.”
He smiled.
“I see you have reached the same conclusion that I have.”
“What’s that?”
Panic began to set in. This couldn’t be happening.
“Fate has brought us together. We are destined.”