The door opened, and I felt like I was going to be sick. It was time to paste on my therapist mask. The expression that was all caring and concern and not self-absorbed panic. I watched as the lich entered the room. A black robe covered most of his body, and a skeletal head nestled in the hood. He seemed to almost have a veneer of skin. But it was very translucent, and I could see his skull clearly through it. My head got very light, like I might be about to pass out. He looked exactly like he had in my dream.

“Sit down,” the guard barked at him.

The lich obeyed and sat gently amongst the blankets in the chair. Pastel fluff surrounded the menacing figure. It almost made me laugh. He peered at me, a dull blue light emanating from his eye sockets. The guard flashed me a pitying glance and left the room. I had to restrain myself from begging him to stay.

I’m going to die. I’m going to die. Fuck. Help me.

The lich’s head tilted.

“Are you okay?”

I stopped breathing.

Am I okay? What?

“You seem to have very strong emotions in your energy field right now.”

No kidding, pal.

“Oh. I’ve just never met a lich before.”


I knew it was best to set a precedent of honesty and trust in the counseling room.

“You are… intimidating.”

“As are you.”

My brain spluttered to a halt, and for a brief moment, it was strangely quiet in my head. There was nothing but confusion.

“What, me? Intimidating? How?”

I knew that in some cases clients could find their therapists intimidating. But that was more common in humans than with monsters. I could count on one hand the number of monster clients who’d had any feelings like that with me. And they weren’t monsters that had ended up in prison.

“You are a wonderful storm of energy. I’ve never seen such absolute perfection.”

Is this him telling me that my life energy will taste good? Oh gods, he really is going to eat me. This is the worst compliment. Should I hit the button for his collar? Is it too soon to react?

I wanted to say something. To sound bold and confident. To let him know that the guards would be in the room in a moment if he tried anything. But my mouth remained still. I was frozen in my seat. I couldn’t move an inch.

Chapter 4


She was even more beautiful in person. Red hair fell like waves of fire around perfect skin. Her body was curvy and vibrant with energy. I let my eyes trail down over her for a moment. If I let them unfocus slightly I could see the storm raging around her. It was unlike any human aura I had ever seen. The colors were calm pastels now, but they raged around her like a tornado. Tendrils reached out from her. Now that we were near each other I could feel them anchoring even stronger to me. I felt my own energy grow and strengthen. I knew I had a purpose again, and it was her. I’d come here expecting to die, but now I was more invigorated to live than ever. I would protect and worship her for as long as I could draw breath. Blue icicles formed through her storm. She was frozen and silent, the smell of fear in the air. I had to ease her discomfort; it was unbearable to me.

“You never have to fear me. Never.”

The words shot out with all the force I could muster. I saw her assessing me, and she relaxed slightly. She believed me, at least a bit. The storm calmed and spread out from her slightly.

“Sorry. My name is Heather. I hope you aren’t offended, Vedrac. It’s just… you are….”

She waved her hands as she searched for the right words.

“I understand. I’m a lich and that means I am dangerous and powerful.”

“Do you like that? Power? Being dangerous?”