Page 16 of The Lich's Leverage

“Open the door please.”

He froze. It was against his training. He needed encouragement. I reached out a hand towards him.

“Open the door or become my lunch.”

With shaking hands he opened the door to the cellblock, nearly dropping the keys several times. Eventually he opened it and backed away.

“Thank you.”

I walked in, and as I turned back, the guard had a moment of unexpected and ridiculous bravery and rushed forward, slamming the door behind me. I laughed. If I’d had a mind to actually kill him, he’d put himself in reach of me and he knew it. He threw himself backwards and fell to the ground.

“What’s your name, guard?”


His voice shook, even though he was safe now.

“Trent, you are a brave man, trying to do your job well. So I will tell you this. If you find yourself in danger, head for the infirmary. You will find safety there.”

Trent looked confused. I moved further into the cellblock. I heard him on his radio to the other guards, shouting in a panic. We would have company soon. I focused on the cellblock. There was something going on at the back, and I needed to find out what.

Chapter 11


We waited in the therapist’s lounge. One of the guards, Trent, had arrived in a state of panic and told us all to wait in here together. Frantic messages were playing over his radio. Something was going on in west wing. That was where Vedrac was. My heart was thudding, and all sorts of scenarios ran through my head. Was he dead? Dying? No, he was a lich. He’d already died long ago and was still here.

He’ll be fine. He’ll be fine. He’ll be fine.

It was like a mantra. Another message on the radio, this time about a dragon in the yard, calling for extra guards to help take him down. Lyla let out a heart-wrenching sob next to me, and I pulled her in tight. I looked around. Serena wasn’t here. Neither were a few of the others. I knew that Ella had been doing some classes over in other blocks a lot of the time, but I didn’t know when or for how long. The rest I didn’t know well. They hadn’t been at breakfast. Were they okay? I looked around. Mrs. Cospire was sitting at a table by herself.

“Do you know where Serena and Ella are? And the others?”

Cospire looked at me for a moment like she was trying to make sense of what I’d said.

“Oh, Serena didn’t have sessions until lunch so she was going to sleep in, I think. I’m not sure about the others, the schedule has been a mess. D block lounge, maybe?”


I didn’t comment on the fact that she was in charge of the schedule, so if it was a mess it was her fault. She was meant to be responsible for us and she didn’t even have a clue where everyone was. My gut clenched with anger. None of the alarms were working, they’d been on the fritz. Serena probably didn’t have a clue that anything was going on. Lyla continued sobbing in my arms. More messages on Trent’s radio.

“The minotaur is breaking through the walls. Now east wing is rioting too.”

Trent grabbed his radio.

“Is there a safe route to get the therapists out?”

No answer. He repeated the question.

“No. Stay where you are.”

Trent grumbled and looked at us.

“It isn’t safe to stay here and just wait for the prisoners to get to us, surely?” said David from behind me.

“He’s right,” I said to Trent.

Trent nodded and rubbed his forehead.