Page 74 of Meant for Gabriel

“We were thinking about this?” I laugh. “You were thinking about this.”

“I love this,” Sofia states. “How about we do it next weekend at Sunday lunch at the farm? I’ll send out invites today so everyone can get their travel thing going, and we also have to set it up so we can have it on Zoom for whoever can’t travel to us.”

“Great,” I say, knowing she’s going to be coming to the house. “That works, I like it.” I bury my face in her neck. “But wait, what do we tell everyone now?” I look up at her.

“You tell them that everything is good and you are whatever weeks pregnant,” Sofia replies, “and that is all you know.”

“I can do that,” I admit. “It’s not like the guys know what to ask anyway.”

“Okay, you two, prepare for the gender reveal of your life,” Sofia says. “Send me the results of the email and don’t peek.” She hangs up the phone, not giving us anything else.

“Ugh,” Zara grunts. “I literally hate surprises. What if I know and you don’t?”

I pick up my head. “No way, it’s neither of us or both of us.” I grin at her. “Twins,” I say again, “a twofer.”

Zara taps my nose with her finger. “And never say that again either; put it on the list.”

I wrap my arms around her, putting my hand on her belly, holding my babies. “Added.” I smile right before I cover her mouth with mine. “Might just have to keep my mouth busy this weekend not to get into trouble.”

She turns in my arms, hooking her leg over my hip. “I like that a lot, Cowboy.”



I zip the suitcase closed and then look beside me at the pile of clothes that have to be put away. It’s like overnight, my stomach grew, and none of my jeans fit me. My little pooch is now as big as both my hands. When I took my picture this morning, you could really tell that I was starting to show. I grab the pile of clothes in my arms, taking them to the bed to fold them and put them away, when my phone rings. Looking down, I see that Gabriel is FaceTiming me. “Hey, Cowboy,” I say once we get connected.

“Is there something you forgot to do today?” he snaps, and my eyebrows pinch together at his tone.

“Not that I know of.” I fold the pair of jeans and look into the phone. “But I have read in the baby books that pregnancy brain is a real thing.”

“Sweetheart,” he murmurs softly, and my heart melts, like it usually does with him, “I didn’t get any good morning pictures of you and my girls.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m going to laugh when we find out it’s two boys,” I tell him and open my pictures, sending him the one I took this morning. “There, I sent it.”

“Thank you. What time are you getting here?”

“I’m only coming tomorrow,” I say and see the disappointment on his face. “I’m going to come with my parents.”

“It’s been a week,” he grumbles out his frustration.

“I know,” I tell him. “Trust me, I know.” It’s been a week of nothing but a heaviness in my heart from the moment he walked out the door to go back home. Every time I got on the phone with him, I wanted to bring up our living situation, but I was always scared to. What if it’s just too much for him and he’s not ready? “But I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon,” I state with a smile on my face, “and I think I can stay until next Sunday.” I don’t think, I know I can. I busted out six meetings this week so I can work from there next week, but I also don’t want to push myself on him.

“What do you mean, you think?” His frustration is definitely making him crabby. “When are you going to know?”

“Later on today,” I lie to him. I can’t just come out and be like, I can stay. “I have to make sure that I can push some meetings around.”

“Push them all around,” he mumbles. “I have to go. I’ll call you back.”

“Okay, Crabby McPatty,” I tease when he glares and hangs up.

I finish folding the pants and then walk out to my office, looking to see how my schedule will be in the following month. The five big contracts I’ve got have been full steam ahead, and we are in the middle of finalizing everything. It’s been a lot of going back and forth to make sure all the buildings had staged apartments for viewing. I’ve had to get all the furniture for twenty-five units in five buildings. It’s been a roller-coaster ride over the past couple of months, and I’m happy it will be quieting down.

I make notes and email a couple of my suppliers, ensuring we are all on schedule. I press send when the doorbell rings and get up, looking down and seeing that I’ve been working nonstop for the past three hours. I’m walking down when the doorbell rings again. “Hold your horses,” I snap, opening the door and seeing him standing, holding on to the doorjamb with both his hands, his head bent. “What are you doing here?” I say, shocked for about two seconds before I launch myself in his arms.

“I came to pick you up,” he says, kissing me, “but we have to hurry. The plane is waiting.”

“Oh my God,” I say when he puts me down and takes me to my bedroom, “it’s like you borrowed a car and not a plane.”