Page 65 of Meant for Gabriel

“Yeah,” my Uncle Matthew says, “your father said he was coming down to visit Matty, so we came with him.”

“Is that so?” I look over at my father, who just shrugs.

“Haven’t seen him in a while,” he offers. “He said he was coming down today, so we came to see RC.”

“Isn’t that nice?” I say sarcastically at him and raise my eyebrows, and I hope he can tell from my tone that the two of us are going to have words later.

“So what’s new with you two?” my Uncle Max asks, trying to hide his smile.

“Nothing much.” I shrug.

“What’s with the holding of hands?” my Uncle Matthew says, raising an eyebrow.

“Um,” I start to say.

“We’re together,” Gabriel jumps in, not even easing him into it. Matthew looks over at Casey.

“You were supposed to look out for her,” Matthew hisses, “not throw her at one of your offspring.”

Casey laughs. “I didn’t even know this was happening until it was too far gone.”

“Wow, Mr. Big Security Guy is getting old. Letting things slip,” Matthew gloats. “Time to hang it up.” Casey just leers at him not saying anything.

“I’m going to go see Mom and Dad,” Gabriel announces, pulling me away from the guys. “I hope we aren’t too late.”

“They didn’t say anything,” I assure him.

“How do you know?” he asks as he looks around, spotting his father.

“Trust me, if my Uncle Matthew knew, everyone would know.” I laugh when he whips his head around. “So we’re safe.”

“There are my parents.” He spots his parents who are with his grandparents, Jacob and Kallie. The four of them are talking about something. The men stand almost identically as they casually drape their arms around their wives. “Hey,” Gabriel says and the four of them turn to look at us. The smile on their faces quickly fade to confusion when they see me beside him and our hands together.

“Well, I’ll be,” Jacob says, smiling, “look at what we have here.”

“Hey,” Gabriel says and I awkwardly hold up my hand to wave hello.

“Hi.” I squeeze Gabriel’s hand.

“I was hoping we could talk to you guys for a second,” he states and his parents share a look of worry and confusion. “And you guys also,” he tells his grandparents.

“What’s on your mind?” Ethan asks, looking at Gabriel with worry.

“Are you okay?” his mother asks softly.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He lets my hand go but only to wrap his arm around my shoulders, very similar to how they were just holding their women. “We have a little surprise.”

“Oh,” Kallie says, “the surprise isn’t that you two are dating?”

“That’s not a surprise,” Jacob retorts, laughing. “Did you two not see them on Christmas Eve?”

I look up at Gabriel. “Here we were thinking we were smooth.”

“You guys were thick as thieves,” Ethan teases, smiling. “Little touches here and there.” I try to hide my smile. “In the corner laughing at things that were probably not even funny.”

I turn my face to him. “I told you that your jokes weren’t funny.” I hold up my hand to cup his cheek. “Didn’t I, Cowboy?”

“You sure did, Sweetheart,” he agrees, leaning to kiss me. “Well, no easy way to say this.” He looks at his father. “We’re having a baby.”