Page 11 of Meant for Gabriel

I jump down from my chair. “Oh my God, my parents are coming over here!” I shriek, and Sofia jumps off her chair. The two of us act like we just threw a bender in our parents’ house, and they are coming home early from vacation.

“Oh my God.” I run down the hallway, going to the guest bedroom first and opening the door. Flipping on the lights, I hear the groan from both women in the king-size bed. “Get up,” I call out urgently, “get up, get up, get up!”

“What?” Gabriella groans, looking over the top of the white duvet cover. I really have to talk to Zoey about staging her house and getting rid of all these white things and maybe throwing in a pop of color. “Why?”

“I called my mother,” I share, and Gabriella is like a fucking worm under that cover, speeding to get out of bed.

“You what?” she shrieks, and Ryleigh looks at the two of us. “Why would you do that?” She looks over at Sofia, who is trying to grab all her clothes in her hands and go to get dressed.

“I figured I had to tell them at least that the wedding is off,” I almost shout.

“I don’t get it,” Ryleigh says.

“They are on their way over here,” Sofia fills her in, and now she’s kicking the cover off her.

“I can’t be here,” she says, bending to pick up the bra she tossed to the side after she got into bed. “I can’t be here,” she repeats. “I married into this family. Do you know how bad that would be?” She rushes to her pile of clothes. “Then I’m going to have to tell Stone I knew and didn’t tell him.”

“Oh my God,” Sofia says. “Matty.” She shakes her head. “He literally asked me what I was doing, and I said watching TV.”

“You didn’t lie,” I point out to her. “We did watch TV.”

“What is all this noise?” Zoey asks, walking into the room wearing one of Nash’s T-shirts, one of her eyes still closed.

“She called her mother!” Sofia and Ryleigh shout at the same time as the both of them run around to get dressed.

“What?” Zoey shrieks. “Nash, get up. My aunt is coming over, and she might have reinforcements.”

“What?” he literally yells from their bedroom. “They just barely forgave me for taking you away like King Kong and eloping with you.”

“It’s going to be okay,” I tell the room. “I’m just going to tell them I changed my mind. Under no circumstances am I going to mention Daniel and his extracurricular activities.”

“Unless,” Ryleigh ponders, “it’s a trap, and he already went to them, and they were waiting.” We all stare at her like she lost her mind. “What? I was working in the DA department; you don’t think I know shady shit?”

“Okay, first of all,” Gabriella says, “if that happened, the door would have been busted down like the SWAT team was coming in hot, like if we hoarded a million pounds of cocaine. Trust me, he did not go to them. There is nothing on the news about a killing spree, nor did we get a phone call to help bail anyone out.”

“I think everyone just needs to take a minute and,” Sofia is saying calmly, as she puts on the shirt she wore yesterday, “get dressed so we can get the fuck out of here before they get here.” She points over her shoulder. “Except you two.” She comes back to point at Zoey and me. “You two have to face the slaughterhouse.” I’m about to say something when there is a knock on the door, and by knock, I mean pounding.

“They sound like they’re in a great mood,” Ryleigh surmises. “I live here now.” She sits on the bed. “I am never leaving this room. Tell Stone I love him and I’ll miss his dick.”

“Gross,” we all mumble.

“I’ll go get the door, and you guys all stay here,” I tell the room. “Unless you hear bloodcurdling screams, don’t come out.”

“I grew up in the South,” Sofia says. “Every sound was bloodcurdling.” I turn on my feet and walk to the door, the pounding coming again.

“How high is this floor? Maybe we could jump out?” Ryleigh asks, looking out the window.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I say and feel movement behind me to see Zoey has followed me.

“I can’t pretend I’m not here. This is my house,” she whisper-hisses at me, throwing in a glare for good measure.

I unlock the door and open it to see my mother and my Aunt Zara both standing there, looking like they literally left the house in their pj’s. “Did you go out like that?” Zoey asks, trying to lighten the mood from both their scowling faces.

“You, zip it.” My Aunt Zara points at Zoey.

“I didn’t even do anything wrong!” she shrieks. “Literally nothing wrong.”

“You didn’t?” they ask mockingly, and we both know it’s a trap.