What was that?
That feeling… radiating from the figure walking toward them. It had been here the entire time, only she hadn’t noticed because it had been lurking in the background, still and silent.
Like something so immense one didn’t see it at first.
A whale submerged in the depths of the ocean. She felt like the diver who had stared at its dark body, thinking it was part of the ocean, then realizing too late that it was actually a behemoth.
How had she not noticed it before?
It was only now, when the owner of the aura suddenly appeared, that she recognized it for what it was.
Immense, depthless, and scary.
Something she couldn’t quite fathom.
He was so similar to Dragek, only Dragek was different because she’d first encountered him in the most unguarded place of all—her dreams.
He moved in the same way as Dragek: fluid, soundless, unmistakably dangerous.
His coloring was similar, too. He possessed the same shade of dark hair, but his hair was arranged neatly in braids over his scalp—in contrast to Dragek’s flowing topknot.
He had the same platinum-hued skin and the same completely black eyes.
But that was where the similarities ended.
They were obviously cut from the same cloth, but this guy, although tall, was slightly smaller in stature than Dragek. His features were sharper and more delicate.
He was no less intimidating, though.
Maybe it was because she was encountering him for the very first time, but Jade found him even more intimidating than the man who was holding her in his arms.
“Welcome, Jade of Earth. I am Ashrael. Obviously, you are already well acquainted with my comrade here.” Of course, his Universal was accentless, and his tone was a mixture of authority and mild amusement.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ashrael. Dragek and I have definitely… met.” How surreal it was to be held in the arms of one powerful Kordolian while exchanging pleasantries with another.
A soft growl emanated from Dragek’s chest, so subtle she almost missed it.
Was he… annoyed or pleased?
She still couldn’t read him.
“It’s fortunate that he found you when he did.” To her surprise, the Kordolian called Ashrael offered her a slight bow. “I’m sure you’ve heard many things about our kind. Some of them are probably true, but I’d wager most are not. But I’m sure you will make up your own mind about us in time. I simply want to assure you that you are under our protection now, and no harm will come to you. We’ll be leaving this ship now, and you’ll receive treatment for your injuries from one of the most highly skilled medics in the Universe.”
“Zharek?” Dragek stiffened.
“Zyara,” Ashrael replied.
“Ah.” The tension dissipated.
Jade had no idea what that was all about, and she didn’t dare ask.
Not when the two of them were staring at one another so intensely, as if sharing some silent communication. The air around them crackled with energy.
It wasn’t her imagination. There was actually energy in the air, and when these two came face to face, it felt like sparks could ignite.
A thousand questions burned on the tip of her tongue.
What about the voices in my head?