“Even I was skeptical at first, but he’s proven himself to be a leader worth following.” Dragek extended his powerful arm. “What are you still doing down there? I might not be here for long. Come.”
Jade could hardly believe this moment—this powerful, almost god-like alien was standing over her, staring down with such a tender-amused expression. And she was still lying on this wondrously soft bed, naked.
It felt perfectly natural and wonderful.
She was safe here.
He was completely fixated on her.
Why did he get sexier every time she saw him?
Jade slipped her fingers into his and let him pull her to her feet.
He did it effortlessly, as always. How strong was he, really?
He pulled her against him, and her body molded against the sculpted planes of his torso. The strange fabric of his suit was smooth and slightly cool to the touch. It felt like a blend of silk and woven metal. Strange, but not unpleasant. And it occurred to her that she was still completely naked.
Even in dreams, they wore what their state of mind created for them.
She didn’t mind being so vulnerable around him. He wouldn’t hurt her.
And to think she’d once been terrified of him.
“What is this?” she asked, her voice a hoarse whisper. “Why are you dressed like this?”
“This is my working attire. The material allows me to channel my ka’qui in a special way so I can become momentarily invisible. In my line of work, it’s a somewhat useful ability.” He was smiling. His entire face radiated joy.
Jade brought her fingers up to his jawline, caressing his smooth, luminous skin. She had no doubt of his realness, even though his answer was impossible.
Even though the suit covered every inch of him from neck to toe, with long, supple boots to match, he felt so good against her bare skin.
She’d become aroused again. The contradiction was driving her crazy.
Here he was, telling her he was currently traveling through a wormhole, dressed like he was literally going to kill someone—invisibility-powers and all—and he could smile at her like that?
As if she was the most cherished thing in his universe.
Judging from the bulge pressing against her lower belly, he was equally turned on.
“It’s useful if you plan to kill someone, I’d imagine,” she said dryly, wondering why she didn’t feel more horrified right now. Maybe it was his perfect calm, his easy confidence. She didn’t even know who or what he was supposed to be going to fight. She didn’t even care. All she knew was that she wanted him to come back in one piece, safe and well. Should she worry whether he was about to do something terrible? Something dark and immoral? She probably should. But her instincts were scrambled: all she knew was that she wanted him, and he’d never hurt her. “That’s what you do, isn’t it, Dragek?”
“It’s what they made me do,” he murmured, his smile disappearing as his expression turned solemn. “Not by choice, but I have become very good at it. The difference now is that I fight under Tarak’s orders, and he isn’t the type to wield me for unjust purposes. But you shouldn’t worry about such things.”
He leaned in and kissed her gently.
As their lips met, she melted. He ran his hands through her hair, his kisses becoming deeper and hungrier.
The intensity of his need made her fall to pieces.
He gently sucked on her lower lip, then pulled away.
“I must admit, I took advantage of you,” he whispered. “If we hadn’t met in the void, you wouldn’t have yielded to me.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I know you.”
“Not as much as you think. There’s a lot you’ve yet to learn about me.”