Page 79 of Sublime Target

Suddenly, something made her look across to the other window. She saw something unfathomable: a great floating mass of darkness, suspended in nothing, illuminated by the occasional unnatural blue glow.

The stars in the distance burned icy white.

These lights were different. Not bright enough to be signal lights, they appeared to indicate something or other, but she couldn’t fathom what that could possibly be.

Then everything disappeared.

That meant they’d gone inside. The little ship had flown into a big one, probably.

My god, this is really it.

Just like that.

She didn’t really understand what was happening, nor could she make out much through the window. All she knew was that the stars and the Earth had disappeared, and she was sitting in a plush cabin with darkness all around.

Dressed to the nines.

About to meet the man—alien—who had upended her universe in such a short period of time. It was absolutely unheard of, but maybe all of this was nothing out of the ordinary for him.

Giddy excitement welled up inside her.

Stay calm.

There was no small measure of trepidation, too. Aside from meeting Jerik, she had no idea what to expect of these Kordolians, but if Lyzar’s treatment of her was anything to go by, she was in for a doozy.

How the hell could she stay calm when anticipation was driving her up the wall?

And if this was how she was after a week of being away from him, what was the point of trying to fight it?


“We have arrived,” Lyzar announced, suddenly appearing from the darkness.

Clarissa had been so preoccupied with what was happening outside—what little she could see, anyway—that she hadn’t even noticed his appearance.

“Please wait here for a short while,” the alien informed her.

“Wait here?” Her heart leaped into her throat. She leaned forward against the so-called safety restraints. They came free at once, retracting without so much as a single sound.

Well, at least she wasn’t restrained, but the uncertainty was killing her. “When will I see him?”

“Very soon, I can assure you. I must take my leave now.” Before Clarissa could say another word, he bowed and disappeared as discreetly as he’d arrived.

Leaving her alone in a sumptuous but very alien feeling cabin.

Until a pair of hands came to rest on her shoulders.

She stiffened, not daring to move or look up.

This touch felt familiar, and this time, the hands were bare, callused fingers coming to rest against the base of her neck, gently caressing her skin.

Goosebumps rose on her neck, rippling down her back and across her arms. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the sensation of pure touch.

She hadn’t yet seen his face, but she knew it was him.

Who else could it be?

Who else would touch her like this?