Page 17 of Sublime Target

He sat back, keeping quiet as Kainan leaned forward, hands steepled together. When it came to dealing with Earth matters, Zyara’s human was as sharp and decisive as an ice-pick. It helped that he knew Earth’s complex systems inside and out, both legal and illegal.

“A meeting with your boss wouldn’t be too much trouble at this time of the day, would it?” Kai’s mild tone belied his—their—intent.

“Of course not,” Clarissa answered smoothly. “I’m sure Mr Garner will be more than happy to meet with you right away.”

Jerik felt a flicker of admiration. As a former High Commander, he’d dealt with his share of gatekeepers. Some would try and lie and obfuscate and stall for time, not grasping the seriousness of the situation.

This woman, on the other hand…

She got it straight away. She hadn’t even had to communicate with her boss to seek his instructions. She already understood that when his kind showed up on their doorstep, it was folly to deny them.

“I would just need a short amount of time to let Mr Garner know so that he can clear his schedule.” Her smile remained fixed in place as she looked at Kainan. “And in order for us to best prepare for the anticipated meeting, may I know what the order of business is today?”

“We want to talk to Garner about a parcel of land he has earmarked for development. The proposed site of the Copernicus Towers.”

“I see.” If she was surprised in any way, she didn’t show it. “Are you interested in purchasing property within the development?”

“No, Miss….”

“Lee. Clarissa Lee.”

“Miss Lee. We intend to acquire that land.”

Her perfectly shaped eyebrows rose ever so slightly. “That may be problematic.”

“That’s why we’ve come to discuss the matter in person. I’m sure that even Cooper Garner might be amenable to our terms.”

“The price to acquire that parcel of land may very well be beyond impossible to achieve.”

“Our resources are vast, as are our capabilities. Almost infinite, one might say.” A hint of amusement entered Kainan’s voice. It seemed the humans were engaging in communication on some deeper level; there was a subtext to this exchange that eluded Jerik.

Not that it mattered. Kainan would fill him in on everything later—in a way that he understood.

For a heartbeat, Clarissa Lee’s disquiet was revealed. It escaped in the form of fluttering lashes; in the form of a quickening of her heartbeat and a slight increase in the trembling of her fingers.

For a heartbeat, Jerik felt an irrational urge to go and comfort her.

Don’t be afraid. You should never be afraid of us—of me.

But then the moment passed, and her defenses slid back into place once again, seamless and impenetrable.

She was perfect in a way he could barely comprehend.

“For the record, gentlemen, before informing Mr Garner about this meeting, may I know exactly who we have the pleasure of welcoming to our headquarters today?”

Her attention shifted, and for a moment, her gaze locked onto his.

Particularly his.

That meant she’d identified him as the decision-maker; the most powerful person in the room.

Which he was, but it didn’t really matter.

A jolt went through him. His insides twisted and his heart clenched.

What in the Nine Hells is this feeling?

He’d taken every precaution to avoid being exposed to her potent biological essence. Surely, this couldn’t be the stirrings of attraction.