Page 16 of Maverick

When he opened his eyes, not having been out for but a few seconds, Grace was tearing at her only clothing and getting up on his lap. Helping her to line up to straddle him, he nearly came again when she took his cock so deep into her pussy that he knew that he was never going to be all right again.

“Fuck me.” He couldn’t keep up with her, couldn’t make her slow enough to where he could catch up to where she was. Pressing his thumb into her clit, giving it a couple of short hard strokes, he had to hold onto her when she bowed backward, screaming loudly as she let her climax take them both.

Rolling her over, not feeling the least bit ready to slow, Maverick fucked her again and again until she wrapped her ankles around his hips and held onto him. Even as his balls filled again, Maverick felt himself empty deep inside of her, letting not just his release come, but it felt as if he was giving her all that he had, his love, his respect, and even, he hoped, a child that they created.

Once again, he felt himself lose consciousness. This time, instead of falling back, he dropped atop of Grace. Her arms, now laying out beside her body, her eyes closed, he kissed her gently, and then with the little bit of strength that he had left, he rolled to his side, taking her with him, thankful that they’d gotten a room with an extra wide king size bed.

When he woke again, he was alone in the big bed. Spread out like he did when he’d been younger, he was surprised to find Grace curled up on the couch. His heart hurt because he knew that he was the reason that she was there. That, again, like his childhood, had pushed her out of his bed so that he could selfishly have it all.

“Grace?” She popped up so quickly that he nearly screamed. “I’m sorry honey, I didn’t mean to kick you out of the bed.”

“You didn’t. I got up to go to the bathroom and that’s the way I found you. You are a very big man, aren’t you?” He told her to come back to bed. “No sex. If you want to have sex…well, you’re going to have to do it all on your own. I’m so sore that I doubt very much that I could walk very much further than the bed. All right?”

Telling her that he felt the same way, he nodded. Once she was in the bed with him, he moved to curl his body around hers and realized that she was right. There wasn’t a place in his body that didn’t hurt. Moaning, realizing that he had to go to the bathroom himself, he made his way there, walking on his tip toes because even the bottoms of his feet were too sore to walk on fully.

Brushing his teeth after going to the bathroom, he decided that they probably wouldn’t be making love for the rest of the day, but it was Saturday, and there had to be something on the television that they could pig out in front of.

“Look at all this cool stuff.” He laughed when he caught Grace going through the basket of fruit while sitting on the bed. “Someone even thought of a knife as well as some bottled water. And I turned the game on. Sheesh, Maverick, did you know that it was nearly two in the afternoon?”

She jabbered on for several more minutes until he put his hand over her mouth. Grace looked at him like she was going to cry, and he asked her what was wrong. Laying her head on his shoulder, she told him she hoped that he didn’t mind what she’d done to him last night.

“You’re joking, right? Christ woman, I passed out twice from what you were doing to me. A man just does not admit that to just anyone and live to tell about it. I’m so drained right now that—well, I was going to say that if you were naked right now that I’d not be able to jump you, but for you, I’d do that. No matter the cost to my manhood. I believe with all my heart that I have never in all my life have I ever come that hard before. I don’t know that I’d want to either. That was draining. Wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but it was also draining. I think I know what a vampire victim feels like when a vampire sucks them dry. Yes, I think I could say that without feeling like I was exaggerating at all.”

“I love you, you goofball.” He told her that he loved her as well. As they finished off most of the meats and cheese on the tray and ate about all the grapes and apples, he called the front desk to ask for some food to be sent up. Not only did the man help them with deciding what they might be able to eat, but he also said that he’d make sure that the trays would be out in the hall for them so that no one would disturb them.

“Also, sir, since this is an away game for our team, the floor that you’re on is nearly all empty. The only other person on that floor is at the other end of the hallway. I’m only telling you this because I didn’t want you to feel embarrassed if you’re in your robe when you come out to get your food.”

Maverick had a feeling that he was telling him much more than that but thanked him all the same. As soon as the food was delivered, ringing the doorbell so that they’d know it was there, he and Grace had a good laugh at themselves.

The game was fun to watch with Grace. He was surprised and thrilled that she knew so much about football that they even had a few words to say over a couple of calls. He didn’t envy the person who had to clean up their room. At some point during the fourth quarter, they’d both tossed popcorn at the screen when the game got to be down to three seconds and time was called by the opposing team.

After taking another shower and feeling much better than they did when they woke up, the two of them went to the dining room and had a wonderful dinner of steak and baked potato. Even the bread, crunchy and tasty, was something that they savored. Neither of them could be tempted by dessert but they did thank the staff for giving them such a wonderful evening.

Maverick was never shy about leaving a good tip when service was good. But he felt like they’d been singled out for having the utmost best and most discreet service he’d ever experienced. As they were leaving the restaurant, he felt a sense of pride when Grace put her arm through his. Having a beautiful woman on his arm and the most special person that he truly loved too, Maverick felt on top of the world.

Chapter 8

Now that they were back from their honeymoon—more than she could have hoped for in their time together, the two of them were settling into a job. He had one, of course. Maverick managed the funds and charities that they used to help out their community as well as a great many other things. He did manage their money, including all her money that was still being found from her uncle stashing it all over the place. So far, they’d found five offshore accounts as well as several safety deposit boxes that not only held lots of cash but some of the things, like her mother’s jewels, that she was to have had when she reached eighteen. They were still trying to figure out how he’d managed to get those without her permission, but then, a lot of the things that he’d done while she had been depending on him were a boggle to everyone’s mind.

“How’s it going?” Barkley, Maverick’s dad, came to see her while she was working at least two times a week. If she wasn’t busy, they’d enjoy lunch together. And if Lisa was nearby, she’d join them as well. “I see you’re taking more notes now. Is Jade pleased with them?”

“Is Jade ever pleased, I wonder?” They both laughed and she told him what she’d learned after the first couple of weeks at her doing this job. “Once I got passed looking at the surgery itself, I got the hang of what she needed for me to do. To be honest with you, I thought that she was giving me just a busy job, but Maverick assured me that she’d never do that. I started seeing things that I doubt that even Jade would if she were to watch herself performing surgery.”

“I hear that you were also watching the recordings of the surgery after it was finished. Now, that fascinates me. What is it you’re looking for when you do that?”

Jade had asked Grace to watch the surgeries being performed in the operating room. Occasionally, she would observe recordings in the emergency room, but mostly, she focused her energy on ones that were going on beneath from the observation room. She was to find repetitive motions.

Like did the nurses stand in one spot for long periods of time because there were too many of them in the room. Did they have to reach far, as in moving around the big room to get extra supplies for the surgery, and did they do that every time. Did the doctor or the nurses with the patient seem to not have a flow of their movements?

“When I’m finished with a surgery, I need to go back and watch it so that I can read my notes. I might just put penlight here. I might not remember what that means at first, but once I watch the recordings, it will trigger the reason, and I can make better notes.” They both looked down when the man at the side of the table, she never knew their names was barking orders to the person across from him. “I don’t know this man’s name, but he is never polite to the people who work with him. The anesthesiologist will talk low, not so that I can hear it—another reason for me to watch the surgery over again, and I can see what he’s doing to keep balance in the room. It doesn’t always work with this person, but he does try.”

“Jade told me that you didn’t want to know names when you’re here. Why is that?” She said that if she ever had to have an operation, she didn’t want to be too nervous when she came in here if it was someone like the guy below. “I know him. I won’t tell you his name, but I know who he is. That might be something that you can help me with as well. I could go back and revive the recordings as you are, but you don’t know the entire picture by looking at just one surgery, do you?”

“No. You get a feel for the people that you see all the time. I only ever have numbers that I assign each person but I can tell you right now that the doctor that works with him, the gas guy I call him, he doesn’t particularly care for the man. However, he works for him a great deal. I know that the surgeon is having marital problems, and it’s because his wife thinks that he’s seeing one of the people that he works with. That’s true to a point but he doesn’t flirt with the women in here while working. Just the men.”

She knew the exact moment that Barkley got what she was saying. His face turned a pretty shade of beet, and he wouldn’t look her in the eye for several seconds. After he got over his initial shock, Grace told him some of the other things that she had observed.

The two of them ended up having lunch with Jade. She’d been at the hospital doing an install of a piece of equipment that would fold sheets. It didn’t sound like much to her on the surface until she thought about how many beds would have to be made daily and the amount of laundry that had to be sent out to clean. Adding a department that only dealt with sheets for the hospital and nothing more, it would save the hospital millions of dollars in a service that did it for them. With each conversation that she had with someone in this family, the more excited she was to be a part of it.