Page 96 of Best Laid Plans

"I'm Agent Fancie," a black man said, and held out his hand to me.

I shook it, and let him into my office.

"You know, I hardly ever spoke to anyone in law enforcement, and now I've talked to Savannah PD, an ADA, the freakin' Chief of Savannah PD, and now an agent from the GBI. It's almost like I'm the one who committed a crime," I quipped, sitting down on my office chair, waving a hand at my client chairs.

Agent Fancie grinned, taking a seat. "I can only imagine, Miss King."

"Nova, please. Would you like somethin' to drink?"

"Coffee would be much appreciated. I've been on the road since the crack of dawn."

I picked up the landline. "Rachel, can we have a coffee service in my office? Thanks, honey." I set the phone down, and focused on the GBI Agent. "How can I help you, Agent Fancie?"

"I want to speak with you about Sentinel Sheriff Pete Fontaine."

I felt nervous, but I didn't let it show. "Should I have a lawyer present with me?"

"It's your prerogative, Miss King, but I'm here only to collect information. You're not a person of interest in any way."

I leaned back and was wondering what to do when there was a knock on my door. "Come in," I called out, expecting Rachel.

But carrying the coffee tray was Anson.

He set the tray on my desk and smiled at Agent Fancie. "Anson Larue." He held out his hand, and the agent shook it, his eyes narrowed.

"Agent Fancie," the agent replied. "You're a ways from Sentinel. What are you doin' here, Mr. Larue?"

It was obvious that Agent Fancie found Anson suspicious as hell. Welcome to the club, buddy!

"Larue Homes has office space in Savannah Lace. I'm working from here for the near…well, probably forever." He sat next to Agent Fancie in a client chair.

Color me surprised. Did Anson just say he was going to be living in Savannah…forever?

"How come?" The agent queried.

Anson smiled. "'Cause I'm in love with Miss King, and her career is here. So, I've moved."

"I hear you're putting Larue Mansion on the market."

Agent Fancie seemed to be well-informed, I thought.

"Yes. The headquarters for Larue Home will remain in Sentinel, but one of my senior leaders also wants to live in Savannah, so we've opened a satellite office here, and maybe eventually a second headquarters." He leaned forward and poured coffee into a cup. He added some cream to my coffee and handed it to me. "How do you take your coffee, Agent Fancie?"


Anson poured him a cup.

I sat quietly, relieved that Anson was here. I didn't want to be alone with the agent.

"Why do you want to talk to Nova?" Anson asked. He was being his charming self, but he didn't fool me nor Agent Fancie, who was in no doubt as to Anson's stance. He was protecting me or rather pissing around the perimeter and staking his claim. The line between the two was damn close.

"I don't think you need to be privy to—"

"I'd like Anson to be here," I cut in.

Agent Fancie nodded. "Well, in that case. We're investigating organized crime around Sentinel, and we believe Sheriff Pete Fontaine is heavily involved."

"He gambles," Anson informed him.