I saw surprise and reluctant admiration flicker in Anson's eyes.
Did he think I'd remain the innocent girl he ripped apart? I knew how to take care of myself now. No one mistreated me—I didn't allow it. I protected myself, always.
"If you remain professional, Nova, I'll do the same. In any case, you'll be workin' with my fiancée," he grinned maliciously. "She's heading the project for Larue Homes. Would that be okay with you?"
My heart hammered at the thought of seeing Bailey again. She and Alma, I was sure, were the reason I'd been arrested, the reason why we'd ended so violently.
"He's engaged to Bailey Hyatt," Nina explained.
I pretended as if this was the first time I heard that news, and smiled solicitously.
"Congratulations on your engagement. I have no problem working with Miss Hyatt."
"Are you sure?" Anson asked sarcastically.
"Did you know her?" Nina inquired.
I chuckled. "Yes. Miss Hyatt was one of the popular girls in high school and…I wasn't." I turned to Anson. "Neither of us is in high school any longer, Mr. Larue. I don't see a problem."
"Call me Anson. Mr. Larue makes me feel like I'm my father." He spoke pleasantly enough, but I could see it rankled him that I wasn't showing any emotions that could be construed as me hanging on in any way to my past and him. If only he knew. I was desperate to get away from him, find a bottle of wine, and binge-watch a show on Netflix.
Or maybe I could take an Ambien and sleep through the confusion seeing him again was causing.
I hated this man.
I loved him as well, because love was an idiot.
I never got over Anson. I'd never be with him again, but I'd always, always want him, even though I'd seen him at his worst. That was love. Stupid and pathetic. Impossible to kill or live with. It was easier when I didn't see him, but now I would, a lot. I'd see him with his fiancée. It would break my heart again and again.
Your heart is tougher than you think, girl. Just put on your big girl panties, and show him how good you are at your job. Maybe then he'll finally believe that you're honest, and that you have integrity and moral fortitude.
"I prefer Mr. Larue." I saw him flinch at my refusal to use his name. I felt the sourness he felt for me reach out and choke me. "Could you please send me all the materials you have for this project? Once I've reviewed them, I'd like to meet with you and the Sentinel Heights team to gain a better understanding of the project."
"We don't have a lot of time," he growled. "I want the project team to meet with you next Tuesday."
Today was Thursday, so, the asshole was obviously pushing it; testing me.
Before Nina could tell him that, I nodded. "Of course. Would the team be coming down to Savannah?"
"No," he said as if enjoying himself. "You'll have to come to Sentinel."
I felt a chill run through me. I hadn't been back there, not since that night. I'd promised myself I'd never go back.
"We can set you up to stay the night at the mansion," Anson continued, smiling. Nina probably couldn't see the cruelty of his statement, but I did. I'd never set foot in that place, not even with a gun to my head.
"I'll come back home to Savannah after the meeting. It's not a long drive," I said softly.
"It would be more convenient—"
"I'm afraid, Mr. Larue, it wouldn't be convenient for me," I cut in calmly. "I have some obligations at home. Regardless, you don't have to worry, I'll be available to you, when and where as needed, with regards to this project."
Nina watched us with what I knew was cautious amusement. She didn't interfere or babysit any of us, but when we needed her, she was always there. She was a hard taskmaster as a boss, and the most loving mentor and friend one could imagine. I loved Nina. She'd saved my life in more ways than one by hiring me and believing in me.
She'd been friends with Emmett, and I suspected she knew I was his daughter. We never talked about it, but she treated me like I was family as she did everyone who worked at Savannah Lace, which I was grateful for.
"Rachel has Anson's EA's contact information," Nina interjected. "She'll coordinate meeting times."