Page 24 of Best Laid Plans

"But once we're married we will be family, and—"

"The way you're behavin' right now, darlin', I'm afraid I can't see us gettin' married." I got out of her bed.

"Anson, I love you so much, and you're breakin' my heart. You won't let me move in with you. And now…what is wrong with you? You have so much money. Even Alma can't understand why you're so stingy."

"I'm not stingy, Bailey. I believe in working hard to earn the life we live."

"I'd be working hard for you, baby. Let me show you." She leaned, grabbed my dick, and licked it.

Something unpleasant ran up my spine. "I can get a blow job for way less than your daddy's debt," I snapped and instantly regretted the harsh words when Bailey's eyes filled with tears.

I hadn't known then, but I knew now that I'd been comparing her to Nova. The girl who'd worked two jobs, and applied for scholarships, had never asked me for help of any kind.

Until she stole from you.

Bailey stared at me with big, confused eyes as she waited for me to explain to her how the meeting she was attending was going. Shit! She was as incompetent as my EA accused her of being.

"It's going fine, Bailey," I sighed.

She nodded, looking lost. Fuck, I'd have to run this project because there was no way Bailey could do it. Already, she'd fucked up with that stupid "don't steal from us" paperwork. I'd seen it in Nova's eyes that she'd have happily walked away, and now that I'd spent some time with Nina, the businesswoman and not my friend's sister, I knew that she'd support Nova's decision, whatever it would be.

It was important for my plan to have Nova working on this project.

Essential for your plan or your heart? A voice inside my head mused.

Right then, Nova laughed out loud at something my asshole VP of Project Management said. He was old enough to be her father. Was she flirting with him?

No, she wasn't. Even I couldn't stretch the truth that far. She was being her charming self. She was doing what she always did, attracting people to her. This was the girl I'd fallen in love with.

"Nova, do you have more questions, or are we done?" Bailey interrupted mean-spiritedly.

The Larue Home senior leaders looked at Bailey quizzically, and then at me as if saying, "Boss, you sure about giving this twit such a big project?"

"I have some more questions, I'm afraid," Nova said pleasantly. "I'm so sorry for taking up so much of your time."

"Not at all," Zara, our head of planning, said. "We're so impressed with the work you've already done. Savannah Lace seems like a perfect choice for this project."

Bailey's shoulders slumped. She was using her high school mean-girl tactics, and that was my fault. I had after all encouraged her. But I'd thought she'd have more finesse. What worked in high school sure for shit didn't work now.

"Ask all the questions you want," I interjected. "We want to make sure Savannah Lace has everything they need to make this project successful."

Bailey looked at me like I had killed her puppy. Nova showed no emotion except that of a woman enjoying herself in a professional setting. She fit in here so smoothly. If we'd stayed together, I had no doubt she'd be working with me and not for me. We'd be partners. We'd have so much fun together—and she'd elevate my professional and personal life.

Until she steals from you! Wake the hell up, Anson. She's not the love of your life.

But she was. She was the only woman I'd ever loved.

And fuck me, I was still in love with Nova King.

That realization struck like a sledgehammer to the solar plexus.

Chapter 12


Ididn't want to be alone with Anson. But he'd asked to talk to me before I left Sentinel, and it wouldn't have been professional to say, " I'm too tired to have my defenses up against whatever hatred you want to spew at me."

I hadn't slept much the night before, and then had left Savannah early to get to my meeting with plenty of time to spare. I'd been nervous, and looking like I had my shit together when I didn't, had been exhausting.